Thursday, October 30, 2014

Making Your Own Cards - Catprints

One way that I have found to save a bit of money for each holiday is to make my own cards.  I'm no pro, but throw in a hand print or foot print and my art skills are greatly improved.  Olive enjoys doing a little art project with me and our family enjoys getting a personalized card.

We did candy corn foot prints last year.
It was sweet to see a tiny foot print to commemorate Olive's 1st Halloween.

I knew I had to do something different this year, but still wanted to stick with a hand or foot print.  I've learned that it is SO MUCH easier to stamp a baby's foot versus stamping a baby's hand.  Inevitably, the baby will curl up their hand making it nearly impossible to stamp.

I decided that putting Olive in her high chair would make this whole process easier.  I fed her lunch and then got busy painting and stamping her foot.  She barely even noticed and it went really well.  I put a blanket down just in case I dripped any paint and had wet wipes flowing freely.
 You want to do what with my what??? says Olive

I painted her foot and then stamped it.
Repainted and stamped
until I was done.

Wet wipes cleaned up the mess with no problem.

I also had her help me draw and color some pumpkins for the envelopes.
I used a silver & black sharpie, glitter glue and pink glitter to turn the foot prints into cats.

Can't wait to hear what people think of their cats!!
I wrote
We hope you have a purrrrrrfect Halloween
on the back of each card.

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