Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Faves

Happy Friday!  I hope you've had a nice week.  Can you believe that tomorrow is MAY!?!?  How did that happen?  We've got lots to look forward to as we are wrapping up the school year, celebrating Olive turning 9 and kicking off Summer.  It's still been pretty chilly in Indiana so I have yet to do any planting.  Maybe this weekend we'll get the ball rolling.

The best parts of our week were:

1 // Adventures with Dad

These two spent the afternoon hanging out with Kevin.  They ran all kinds of errands and then landed at the garden center.  There was a rock painting station, free lemonade and lots of pretty plants.  They picked out some to surprise me with - my favorite - Lantana.

2 // Gourmet Deviled Eggs

Did you see my recipe for these earlier this week?  Recipe here.

I'm still dreaming of them.

3 // School Lunches

I'm dragging a bit with school lunch prep.  The kids appreciate it so I keep going, but I'm excited for Summer break.  They are loving these snow peas split open, Krabby Patty treats and a mix of bright and colorful things.

4 // Buy Yourself Flowers

I bought myself flowers this week at Sams.  I don't do this very often, but I should.  This big bouquet was only $8 and it looks so pretty in my kitchen!  I think this will be a perfect centerpiece when we have some friends over for dinner this weekend.

5 // Get Moving

Leo and I have been busy walking almost every single day.  He loves to go for a ride and I am loving getting into a good exercise routine.  He gets excited to find treasures along the way like these clover flowers.

Side note: Do you have a step counting/movement tracker watch that you love?  I'm thinking I would enjoy the challenge of a step tracker and would love to hear your recommendations.

6 // Jordan Bakery Box

My business was booming last year before we moved and relocating has definitely meant that baking has taken a bake seat to life.  But this week I had a couple orders come in for Administrative Professionals' Day and it was so fun!  I baked boxes of half chocolate chip cookies and half butterscotch oatmeal cookies.  They turned out great!  If you're local - 47725 area- follow me on Facebook or IG @jordanbakerybox - I would love to bake for you!

7 // Back to the Garden Center

Is this life in your 40s?  Multiple trips to the garden center in one week to scope out trees!?  Haha.  We love it and it's fun to dream up plans for our yard and landscaping.

8 // Tons of Sunshine

We have been spending lots and lots of time outside.  The kids love it and it's been nice to get out and meet some new neighbor friends.

9 // New Grill

Kevin's grill didn't survive the move so we upgraded to a new Blackstone griddle.  Bring on all the cookouts.  Leo was SO excited when Kevin brought out his tool box.  He "helped" Dad for over an hour.  It was the cutest thing ever.

10 // Secondhand

Do you follow Ashley @secondhandsavvy_ on Instagram?  I love her account.  She challenged us to take $20 to your local thrift store and find some treasures.  I headed to a nearby Goodwill and found all of this for $16.  The basket is giant.  The mini muffin pans were for the kids to make mud muffins in the creek.  I love the wooden bracelet and I'm already using that set of glass bowls so much.  I can't wait to check out my other thrift store options nearby.

I also took a huge van load of donations to a local center this week.  It felt SO good to get that clutter out of our garage and get rid of things that I no longer use or love.

11 // Dinner Guests

We had Kevin's parents and his grandma over for dinner this week.  She'd never seen our new house.  The kids were excited to give her the tour and she surprised them with a plate full of her famous No Bake Cookies.

12 // Date Night

Remember me saying we got to have a date night?  We tried a new restaurant and I've been dreaming of their Pesto bread dip all week.  I picked up some pest in the hopes of replicating it.  Kevin got to try a new local beer and loved it.  And Leo got to chat with Papaw and read books with Mimi.  Win-win for everyone.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  See you back here on Monday :)

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. What a great week! Yea for date night and getting the baking business restarted in your new hometown. I have used a fitbit and apple watch in the past for step tracking. Michael's company provides a credit to buy one every few years as part of their fitness program. We get a better health insurance plan if we track steps and get an annual physical. However, I decided that I am more of a traditional watch type gal. Now I just track my steps using the Health app on my iphone. I always have my phone in my pocket when I walk so I get a rough idea of how many steps I've taken. This satisfies the company requirements and gives me motivation to get those walks in. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. What a fun and busy week! Oh how I wished you shipped your cookie bakery boxes to Waco😋!

  3. Those Deviled Eggs looks yummy. What a cute garden center and lovely flowers

  4. No Bake Cookies are so yummy. It's great that you're getting orders for your business again.


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