The last chapter of Olive's birth story/picture overload...
We got settled into our new room down the hall and we thrilled to be alone for a bit. Just our family of three. We were all exhausted, starving and ready to relax. We made phone calls to family, facetimed and took turns holding Olive. I was still hungry and Kevin had hardly eaten a thing all day so he went to get Cafe Rio for dinner. He didn't really want to leave but I assured him we'd be okay and that he could hurry back to us.
My sister made this mini bunting for my family baby shower and suggested I use it for Olive's bassinet at the hospital. She did something similar with her last baby. All of the nurses and guests LOVED it. They couldn't get over how cute it was and thought it was such a good idea. My cute baby had to have a cute basinette.
Day 2 in the hospital was tough because I was really sore, tired and people were in the room all the time to check on me or Olive. I'm not used to round the clock attention and it made me mad when a nurse would wake me up. There should be a no waking mommy or baby rule in the hospital. I tried to get some sleep when I could but I didn't sleep very well. Plus I'm not used to sitting so much so my back was sore from laying in bed. Kevin was great to run errands, get food and help out but he was exhausted too.
Some memorable times from the rest of our hospital stay:
We had a little scare with Olive's blood sugar. It dropped really low and we basically had to feed her formula every two hours to see if she could eat, get her blood sugar up and maintain it. My milk hadn't come in yet so she wasn't getting enough to eat. It was a stressful time for me because every nurse was telling me to do things differently and each had their own opinion about the right way to breastfeed. Plus Olive was so sleepy that she really wasn't interested in eating. They pricked her heels so many times and it was horrible to watch. Newborns don't bleed easily so they prick the heel, pump the leg several times and have to squeeze out a few drops of blood before they get one that counts. It was traumatic for us both. My doctor said she'd dismiss me after 24 hours because I was doing so well. I felt like I needed a little more time at the hospital and Olive wasn't going to be discharged yet. We ended up having to stay an extra day so that they could monitor Olive. I was bummed at first but then realized it would be nice to have her watched closely for one more day. Luckily, the hospital wasn't full so we got to stay an extra night too. We had to move rooms to a smaller one down the hall but it was just fine. I couldn't imagine leaving the hospital without her so we were very thankful. We woke up and fed her every 2 hours around the clock and after several hours of this she was maintaining a good blood sugar. She got a clean bill of health from the doctor on-call the following day.

A darling nurse came to give Olive her first bath. She hated it at first but then settled in nicely. She grabbed the washcloth that the nurse laid on her belly and would not let go! The nurse couldn't believe it and said babies don't normally participate in their baths. Olive's got such a funny littler personality already and she looks like just her dad.
Our first mommy/daughter matching outfits were polka-dots!!
Many faces :) She got her newborn pictures done while we were in the hospital too. They did them in our room and we were really happy with them. More on that in a few days.
Olive was so snuggly! We only sent her to the nursery once to have her first slumber party on our last night in the hospital. The nurses in the morning were so bummed when I went down to pick her up. They wanted to keep her longer! I had to keep telling them to take a hike when they'd come into my room to ask if I wanted to send Olive to the nursery.
The hospital has a special dinner for the new parents. We chose the night we wanted to have it, we both placed our order, they brought in a special table and a delicious dinner for us. It was so fun to have a little date night while in the hospital. The frame on the table said, "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts".
Olive's Grandma Barb (AKA her Utah Grandma) came to visit :)
We had such a great experience at Alta View!! The nurses were great and were so helpful to us.
After 3 days, we were more than ready to take home our little bundle of joy. The nurses loved Olive and couldn't quit talking about how pretty she was. They said he had such a pretty face, great skin, such a nice shaped head and was so sweet. She won them over with her cute faces, adorable headbands and snuggly nature.

We love you, Olive!!