Monday, August 24, 2015

Parenting Year 1 vs. Year 2

 Parenting a tiny human is hard work.
I notice that things are changing as we are in full swing toddlerhood.
Things that were easy in year 1 are hard now and visa versa.
Tricks we had for a 1 year old do not work at 2.
Two year olds do everything BIG and feel all the emotions all the time.

(8.20.15 Grocery store run.  GIANT meltdown on the way to the store over shoes/car seat, recovered to be a lovely shopping buddy and wrapped up our errand with a second GIANT meltdown on the way home over shoes/car seat #lesigh )

Potty accident
Year 1: mortified
Year 2: extra diapers in the car and a quick outfit change

Public kiddo meltdowns
Year 1: tearful mom rushes screaming child out of earshot and hurries home
Year 2: calm-ish mom tried to rationalize/talk with screaming toddler, thing eventually pass and we continue doing what we were doing

Skipped naps
Year 1: panic - something must be wrong
Year 2: panic - I had several things I wanted to get done during nap time

Making messes in public
Year 1: mortified and left
Year 2: stop what I'm doing, clean up the millions of goldfish all over the aisle in TJ Maxx and keep shopping

Screaming in her carseat
Year 1: didn't happen a ton, but tried everything to make it stop
Year 2: currently hating on the car seat (which is ironic because she's riding in it far less than she ever has), throws super fit about her straps (which are fine) and we drive on knowing it will pass

Annoyed with all shoes options
Year 1: she didn't care about her shoes and thought they were all delicious
Year 2: she either loves or hates her shoes for the day.  She wants to wear them all day long or have nothing to do with them.  We sometimes have to wear shoes even when we don't want to #lifeishard

Helping in the kitchen
Year 1: safely watched from the Bumbo on the floor
Year 2: pulls up her own chair, we talk through recipes and she dumps an entire cup of oatmeal on the floor in attempt to add it to the mixer

Bath time:
Year 1: fun every other day activity
Year 2: everyone involved gets wet and the regularity depends on our schedule

Bed time:
Year 1: pretty set schedule & easy to get to sleep
Year 2: routine but much longer song/dance/read/cuddle time to get to sleep

Art projects:
Year 1: fun for everyone
Year 2: fun for everyone

Exiting a fun activity
Year 1: bye bye fun times
Year 2: screaming fit when asked to leave a fun activity.  We ignore the fit and talk about the fun time we had.  We assure her we will return.

Furry friends
Year 1: smiled at all furry creatures and that made us smile
Year 2: she grabs everything furry and tries to love on them.  Laying on things that will allow it and pulling whiskers are favorites.  We gently pry poor furry creature out of the grips of our loving toddler.  Smile and move on to the next thing.

Grocery shopping:
Year 1: curious about everything in the cart and wanted to touch/feel it all
Year 2: curious about everything that goes in the cart, examines it and throws it overboard.  That or she opens the box and starts eating.  Darn vanilla wafers are too tempting!

Out to eat:
Year 1: curious about the restaurant, loved playing/eating her food, and happily sat in her high chair checking out the place.
Year 2: curious about the people sitting around us, eats for 5 minutes, steals my lemonade and we request booth only seating in efforts to contain our toddler.  It's our only hope of getting to eat our meal.

I'm hoping we'll learn new tricks for parenting at each age so that we make a great parenting team.
Have you noticed changes in your parenting as the years go by?


  1. This hits the nail on the head - I STILL panic over missed nap times too. And in some areas I'm more "go with the flow" than I used to be, but toddlerhood brings a whole new set of challenges.

  2. Yes! We are in the lets run from Mom because it's funny phase and it's not funny! I think once she masters a fork and a spoon eating will be so much easier, but for now, it's like the kitchen needs a good hose down every meal!

  3. I loved this post Whitney! First off it is dead on truth, secondly I love hearing how you have grown as a mama! It is hard work and definitely not for the faint hearted but so worth it. Great job :)!

  4. Year 1: she didn't care about her shoes and thought they were all delicious

    LOLOLOL. I love parents' thoughts on their own kids.


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