Monday, February 12, 2024

3 Simple Homemade Salad Dressings

How was your Super Bowl weekend?  Did your team win?  We had to cancel plans because Leo wasn't feeling great so that was a bummer.  But we made the most of it.  Kevin printed out games for us to play, I made some delicious food and we had a good time.  The kids got really into it.  The older two stayed up to watch overtime and asked tons of questions.  Even though we were cheering for the under dogs, we still had fun.

Now let's talk about salads!  I told you earlier in the year that I was going to work hard to learn how to make my own salad dressings.  And I'm doing it!  I don't love the salad ingredients with tons of sugar or tons of ingredients so homemade dressings feel like the best option for this salad loving girl.

I'm trying to eat at least one salad a day - either a big salad for lunch or a side salad with dinner.

I pinned a bunch of salad dressing recipes and figured out a few of my own.  These are three dressings that I made and have really enjoyed.  I didn't buy any fancy containers for them.  Just used jars and containers I already owned with masking tape labels.  I save my Duke's mayo salad dressing lids for my mason jars and they work like a charm.

Lemon Vinaigrette:
juice of one lemon
3T olive oil
a splash of apple cider vinegar
1 t sugar
1 t you favorite seasoning (Kinder The Blend - salt, pepper & garlic - is my favorite)

Shake until well combined.  Double or triple the recipe and taste it as you go.  It's delicious on salads with fruits or veggies.

Honey Mustard Dressing:
2 T olive oil
2 T Dijon mustard
a splash of Worcestershire sauce
a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar
A sprinkle of your favorite seasoning (Kinder The Blend)
salt and pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in a jar.  Shake until well combined.

Pesto Dressing:
I shared this recipe with you last Summer BLT Pasta Salad and it's still a family favorite.  Even the kids love it!  I changed up the recipe since I didn't have fresh basil on hand.

1/4 c sour cream
1/4 c Dukes mayo
3 T pesto
1 green onion
2 t Worcestershire
a sprinkle of garlic salt
salt and pepper to taste 

Blend all ingredients until smooth and refrigerate.
We eat this on the BLT pasta salad and I think it would be delicious on any salad with vegetables.

Here's an up close of my favorite seasoning.  I use it on everything from salad dressing to baked chicken to burgers.  It's delicious!  And it is super affordable at Sams.

My very favorite veggie packed salad:
All of the dressings would be delicious on this!  I chop the cucumbers, eggs and onions fresh.  Everything else I can chop in bulk ahead of time.

The BLT pasta salad.  It doesn't look amazing, but I promise you that my kids lick their salad bowls.

Our favorite berry side salad.  I chop everything up after school, pop it in the fridge and add the dressing right before I serve it.  Kevin and I love this salad with dinner.  It's got baby spinach, strawberries, honey crisp apples, purple onion, craisins, pecans, parmesan cheese.  Then I add a drizzle of poppyseed dressing or the lemon vinaigrette recipe above before I serve it.

It's such a pretty, delicious salad.

I hope you found a salad dressing that sounds delicious to you!  I'd love to hear what salad dressings you like to make at home.  Share your favorite in the comments.


  1. These look sooo good! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your salads look so amazing and yummy!!! Every one of those salad dressing recipes sound delicious- I need to make each one of them! I know I would love them!


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