Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Say Yes to More

Say YES to more.

My kids are always coming up with the wildest things.  And usually they're pretty easy to please.  Unless they're asking for a cell phone, new kitten or a trip to Hawaii.  

It's easy to just say NO to all of the requests that come your way.  It's easier and not as messy.

But most of the time my kids are creative and crafty and come up with the funniest requests.  I've tried harder as they're getting older to say yes as much as I can.  Especially if it's something that is free, fun or doesn't involve screens.

These are some things that my kids have asked me for and saying YES has totally made their day.

Will you come read on the patio while we play in the backyard?

Can we watch The Voice together after dinner?

Will you make me a chocolate milkshake for dessert tonight?

Can I FaceTime my friend?

Will you help me find a new pair of jeans?  I pulled up some options on Old Navy to show you.

Can you iron together our Perler beads if we make some bead creations?

Will you back your van out of the garage so we can play out there?

Can we make s'mores with our friends at the fire pit?

Could I paint my nails today?

Can I go to Sams with you the next time you go?

Can we bundle up and go ice skate on the frozen puddles?

They did this for over an hour and laughed/smiled the whole time.

Can we have a slumber party in the family room if we promise to go to bed quickly?

Yes.  We have a giant couch in our upstairs family room and they can all easily sleep on it.  They each made their own spot and have been sleeping out there pretty regularly.  From time to time they move back to their own beds, but they love all being in the same room at bedtime.  They don't know this, but this was our hope when we picked out this couch.

Can we freeze PRIME drink and water in our pop its to see how long it takes for them to freeze?  And then eat the ice?
This kept them occupied and engaged for the whole day.  They frozen all kinds of things - water, lemonade, PRIME drink and loved eating their frozen drinks.

This is my encouragement to you - say YES to your kids when you can especially if it's free, fun and/or doesn't involve screens.  Your kids will love it!


  1. You do such a good job in providing experiences for your children. They will be filled with wonderful memories. Great job mom!

  2. Love this post! I remember my kids being totally fascinated with freezing things...ha, ha!

  3. YES to getting in the habit of saying “yes” as much as you can. I am experiencing this on a new level with Charlotte, as she asks to do lots of new “high school” things. I am really having to work on saying “yes” to things that at times inconvenience me- but that are so great and fun for her!

  4. What an encouraging post!! I’m on the other side and am so thankful that I tried to say “yes” more often than not. Usually it is just “small” things like this, but it encourages creativity (how wild can our requests get?) and independence. Teach them how to ask for things they want - a skill that will serve well later in life! Everything looked so fun :)


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