Monday, February 5, 2024

Is it Time to Declutter Your House?

Do you have piles everywhere?
Closets that are filled to the max?
Rooms that you can't really use?
Do you feel stressed about organizing all your stuff?
Do your kids hate helping pick up toys because there are so many?
Do you keep buying storage containers for all of your things?

If you said YES to any of those, 

I have an idea that I know will help you.

Start getting rid of things.

Throw things away that are past their expiration, damaged or worn.

Donate items that you know people could use.

Consign or Sell valuable items that could make you a little money like kid's clothes, adult clothes in good condition, shoes, purses, toys, holiday decor and home goods.

Share items that you think a friend or family member might like.

I snapped this picture at the beginning of the year and felt proud.  There weren't baskets everywhere and it felt like our family room was light and airy.

Last year I started feeling like none of the spaces in our home had breathing room.  So many cabinets and closets were filled to the max.  Cleaning became frustrating for me and for the kids.  Organizing felt never ending despite me often organizing our spaces.  I had the urge to buy more containers and then I realized I really just needed to purge items from our home.

I set up an account at a local consignment shop, and this is going to sound nerdy, but last year I made 34 drop consignment drop offs!!  I kept track because the numbers were motivating to me.  I'm setting the same goal for this year - drop off as much as possible to get rid of clutter from our house.

The kids gave gotten good at giving me clothes and toys that they outgrow.  I consign Olive and Leo's clothes and then save Fletcher's clothes for Leo.  Kevin and I are always purging our own belongings.  He'd tell you that he doesn't love doing it, but he appreciates the efforts to tidy up our house and the consignment checks!

I regularly declutter things from all areas of our house - kitchen, office, toys, books, garage, holiday and home decor.  I am trying very hard to only have things we use and things we love in our house.

I loving seeing clear corners, cabinets with free space in them and knowing that our house isn't so full.  I keep a consignment corner in our garage.  That way any time I come across something that needs to go I have a spot for it.  Then I work on filling boxes to drop off during the week. My store has a strict drop off schedule so having a spot in my garage to hold things until it's time to drop them off helps me clear out the house and the clutter.

I also started buying less and being more thoughtful about what I'm adding to our home.  But that's a story for another day.  Little changes to buy less and get rid of things you no longer love will make a big difference!

If any of this sounds familiar or sounds interesting, I think it's time to start decluttering your house!!

You will love having less stuff to manage.

Do you have any decluttering questions for me?  I'd love to help you!


  1. Love this! How fun to have a consignment place to go to too! I agree, a house with breathing room is so calming.

  2. This post is so motivating! Michael is definitely a little more "cluttered" than I am, so I love that we have separate closets in our new house!

  3. Great reminders! Thanks


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