Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Love in Numbers

Love is...

Splurging to spend $9 on the perfect card for your valentine.

Intending to mail out valentines but running out of time.

Shopping for 5 teacher gifts and cards.

Assembling 24 class valentines.

Locating heart or valentine's day clothing for all 3 kids.

Juggling schedules and meetings so that one parent can be at the class Valentine's Day party.

Buying favorite candies and a small surprise for your 3 kids.

Baking 10 dozen Valentine's Day cookies.

Dipping hundreds of chocolate covered pretzels.

Baking heart shaped food.

Packing 3 heart shaped lunches for your kids.

Going to the dentist to get your cavities filled today to take good care of yourself and hoping it just takes the 1 hour that they scheduled you for.

Making a spaghetti dinner for your family of 5.

Trying homemade crepes for the first time and knowing that the Nutella and berries will be a hit no matter what.

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope your day is filled with all the things you love plus all the regular stuff you have on your to do list.  I love having friends like you!

1 comment:

I LOVE hearing from you!! Thanks for taking the time to leave sweet comments; I enjoy reading every one of them.