Monday, February 26, 2024

Look for the Flowers

I saw this quote on a friend's IG stories last week and it made me think.

Am I looking for the flowers in my days?

Or focusing on the things that go wrong?

I am a pretty optimistic, positive person.  And even so, I have found a lot of joy in my days when I slow down to look for all the good things that come my way.

Here's an example of the flowers in my day last Friday:

1. I had an early morning cookie order that was picked up on time with a tip for me!

2. I was walking into Walmart with Leo's hand in one hand and a bag of returns in the other hand.  We were headed to get a cart.  The older man in front of us got a cart out for us to make my life easier and then got his own.

3. We saw carts with babies in them all throughout the store.  Leo kept loudly announcing DAT'S A CUTE BABY! to every baby we passed making all the moms smile.

4. The Easter section was stocked with all the things I was hoping to find for my kid's Easter baskets.

5. I was waiting in a long check out line.  A different cashier pulled me out of line and opened a new line just for us so we didn't have to wait.

6. My exercise time felt quick and easy.

7. It was perfect kite flying weather for the kids after school.

8. We got to have a date night with friends we hadn't seen in a while.  The appetizer we ordered was awful, but the main course was amazing.  Best pizza I can remember eating.

If you don't already, start to think about the flowers/highlights/glimmers in your day!  It will be such a blessing to you.


  1. Thanks for sharing this sweet reminder and I love all the flowers in your day!

  2. Love this! It's hard sometimes to see the flowers but I am trying it as well!


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