Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Breastfeeding Diaries

I'm blogging over at The Girl in the Red Shoes today
sharing my breastfeeding story.
and I'm excited for this opportunity.

Overall, my breast feeding experience did not go exactly how I’d envisioned it, but I am perfectly content knowing that my daughter got every drop of milk I produced.  I want to encourage moms to remember that every baby is different, every situations is different and not to judge when people do things differently than you.  I’m an advocate for feeding babies in any way shape or form that is necessary J I will always be proud of my efforts and know that my daughter has grown into a perfectly happy, healthy, thriving toddler because of them.

I figured it was high time I documented our journey :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so sad people were negative to you about how you fed Olive. Thankfully you are a positive and strong enough person to feel good about what a wonderful mom you are to that girl! Keep up the good work. :)


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