Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Preteen Parenting: Episode 2

I've got a tip to share with you today that is going to thrill your preteen or teen.

Give them opportunities to customize their things.


Personalize items whenever you can.

Ask their input about their bedrooms and decorate accordingly.

Follow their lead when it comes to their hair, their wardrobe and their style.

Let their interests and personalities shine.


Here's what that looks like at our house.

Olive wanted new tennis shoes.  We tried on all the shoes and she found some she liked, but she wanted to make sure they were unique.  So we ordered some fun shoe laces to make sure that her shoes were one of a kind.  It was a simple swap that made her so happy.

Tell her the details of an event - it'll be dressy and many women will be wearing dresses - and help her sift through her closet to find an outfit that she likes and is excited to wear.  We also try out new hair styles or new hair ideas on the weekends so that she can see if it might be something to try for church or for school.

We've personalized her water bottles with fun stickers, her backpack and lunch box with patches and she also loves to pick out colors for custom manicures at home.


She's working on moving into her new room and we are doing the decor shopping together.  I pulled up new bed spread options.  We weighed the pros and cons together and read reviews and then she ordered a bedspread that she felt like was perfect for her new space.

None of these things are super complicated or super expensive.  They have just required me to slow down a bit, have a conversation and listen to her more as she's getting older.  She's been loving this change and having more of a say in her style.

What do you think your preteen or teen would like to customize?


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