Friday, April 28, 2023

3 Things

Happy Friday!  I wanted to wrap up the month of April with a 3 things post.  Here is a little update from everyone in our family.

Olive //

1. She's the reigning clover finding champion at our house.  She casually walked up to me with 6 clovers in her hand yesterday.  I found one or two this week and was so proud, but she finds me the best 4 leaf clovers anytime we are outside.  Stay tuned for a clover art project we're working on together.

2. Olive turns 10 next month (how did that happen so fast!?!?) and she's ready for this big milestone birthday!  We're working together to plan the cutest mushroom party.

3. She is eager to fully move into her own room.  Someone else isn't as excited about her having her own room now.  So our compromise has been a slumber party in her room.  I seem to remember being the oldest and eager for my own room only to wake up to find my little brother and sister on the floor of my bedroom.  Must be an oldest rite of passage :)

Fletcher //

1. He is ready for Summer.  He'll miss his school buddies, but he will not miss school :)  He's had a great year of first grade.  It's just that home > everything else in his mind.

2. His freckles are popping like crazy with all this time outside!  I always wished I had freckles so it brings me great joy that Olive and Fletcher have the cutest freckles.

3. He's an outdoors man, but I doubt he'll ever be a hunter.  He loves animals way too much.  You can currently find him magnet fishing, digging holes and using his metal detector and riding his bike any chance he gets.  His bikes skills are great!  He picked it all up so quickly after getting a bike for his birthday.  He's going on bike rides in the evening with Kevin.

Leo //

1. Leo is very into his stack of library books.  We let him get a few non board books from the library for the first time.  That might have been a mistake because he's loving those nonfiction dinosaur books hard.  Please pray for those delicate books in his hands.

2. Do you want to make his day?  Offer him white cheddar popcorn + Blippi.  Or invite him out on a bike ride where he'll zoom up and down our street.  His steering skills are not good so if he's coming towards you, MOVE!

3. If Leo gets in trouble or gets reprimanded, he tears up and asks for a hug.  He'll hug until he feels better.  He also must have a kiss on his boo boos.  I jokingly call him a bulldozer because he almost knocks me over all day long when he's just going in for a big hug.  Remember me telling you his Sunday school teachers call him little linebacker??  He's solid and so sweet.

Everyone else //

1. Kevin is putting down grass seed and watching the yard closely.  It's the first year for our sod to come back so he's keeping close tabs on it.  One of his mowers broke this week and he's worried about the frost hurting our baby trees so it's been a lot of yard talk over here.

2. I've been really consistently consigning things lately and it feels so good!  My favorite spot lets you drop off once a week so I have been putting it on my calendar every single week.  The kid's closets are organized and the clothes they've outgrown are gone!  They are all growing and changing so fast that this feels like a never ending job.  I'm thankful to have a good system in place right now.  I'm trying to get rid of toys they're done with as well as clothes.

3. I have about a million things I'd like to hang on the walls, but that is not my strong suit.  I can plan a gallery wall no problem.  But hanging things straight and finding studs.  Send help.  I need someone to volunteer to come hang things for me one weekend.  Think the cutest gallery collections in all the rooms.  I need a handyman.  We also need to hang some curtains.  But Kevin likes to hang 1-2 things and be done for the day.  I'm more of a hang things all day until the project is done type of girl.  Too bad for me that I've got 100 things that need hung.  Pray for our teamwork :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!  See you back here on Monday :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved hearing all the updates, and Fletcher's freckles are so cute. I'm not looking forward to hanging pictures in the new house. My least favorite task!


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