Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pink Glasses

 Here's my firendly reminder - make the appointments that you have been putting off!

This Summer I visited my family doctor, dermatologist, eye doctor and have a dentist appointment coming up.  None of them were especially fun, but I'm glad I made my health a priority.  We have established care for all the kids and have some appointments coming up.

My eye exam was a pain to establish care at a new place.  I didn't like the first doctor I saw, but loved the second for my follow up contact exam.  I had to speak up for myself to make sure that I saw my favorite doctor from there on out.  I had to ask my first doctor to transfer my file to my second doctor because I thought he was a better fit for me.  It was a super awkward conversation, but I'm so glad I stood up for myself.

I am so excited to have new glasses.

Aren't they pretty!?  I have a big head so finding comfy glasses is tricky.

And apparently, I have always been a pink glasses girl.  First grade Whitney and 42 year old Whitney feel the same about cute accessories.  

Make those appointment, friends!


  1. You’re so cute!! All my appointments fall in the fall haha, so I am entering Dr appointment season. Blech. But it is so nice to get that clean bill of health!

  2. Love this! 😍 ❤️ Mom @speechie76


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