Monday, August 19, 2024

End of an Era

It is the end of an era.

After 11 years, my title has changed.

I'm no longer a stay at home mom.  Family CEO.  Manager of everything.

I didn't really plan to be a stay at home mom for so long, but God knew that was best for our family.  

2004-2013: I loved teaching 2nd and 3rd grade in Utah.  My school was amazing.  The friends I made have become lifelong friends.  I still keep in contact with my students today.  It was my dream job.  I had opportunities to lead committees, teach teachers, get my masters degree, build community and I couldn't have come up with a better way to begin my teaching career. 

Olive was born in Salt Lake City in 2013.  And then life got BUSY.  It was overwhelming to even think of getting licensed to teach in new states and find child care when we knew no one.  We moved every year for a while - Arkanas in 2014, Mississippi in 2015, Indiana 2016 and Fletcher joined our family.  Kevin was busy working towards tenure at Indiana State and I was busy running things at home.  Leo joined our family in 2020.  Life was wild that year.  2021 brought a surprise move to a new city in Indiana, and a more challenging and exciting dream job for Kevin.

The kids and I were together almost 24/7 for 11 years.  They were my grocery shopping buddies, first friends in any new city we moved to and side kicks through everything we did for years.  We did a quick grocery run the other day and I felt so nostalgic.  The kids have been my constant side kicks for years and we're all growing up and changing this year.  I'm just so thankful to have had the gift of time with our kids.

Through all the moves and changes, it was such a blessing to be the constant for our family.  

Mom was always home and would always take care of things.  Kevin was working so hard and so was I.  We made a great team.  He didn't have to worry about day to day things at home as much and could focus on his career.  Sick days, appointments, surprises in our schedule weren't as stressful because I was home.  I could be involved in our communities, build friendships and help our kids to thrive and learn at community classes for kids.  It was the best.  

I loved being a teacher and I loved being a full time mom.

I'm so excited to start this new journey as Kindergarten Teacher Mom.

God made it very clear that this was the perfect job for me to make my return to teaching.  It hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows over here, but we're figuring things out.  One day at a time.  My new school gives my family new opportunities.  Learning to teach a new grade will be a good challenge for me.  I'm already making great friends and connections.  Kevin and I are doing expert levels of scheduling, communicating and planning to pull this off.  We're coordinating events/dates/schedules for four different schools, three kids and two jobs.  We are thankful to have family help to fill in the gaps, good babysitter options as needed and big kids taking on new responsibilities.  Team work makes the dream work as Morgan Wallen says.

All that to say:

I'm cheering for all moms!  No matter your extra titles.

If you ever have the chance to stay home with your kids, do it!  It's such good work.  You may have to make some changes to make it work, but it will be such rewarding years.  Some days feel long or lonely, but challenge yourself to get out and about an enjoy being home with your little ones.  The years go by so fast.

Also hear me say this, if you ever get the chance to return to a job you love, pray about it and be excited for the jobs that come your way.  I'm excited to be teaching again.  Even if so many things are new and different than when I left teaching in 2013.  I've got a lot to learn.

I'm cheering for you!  I have heard from so many moms who are in transition with their careers and mom life.  You can do it.  One day at a time!

I'm thankful to be a teacher and a mom and learn how to balance both.


  1. You definitely exemplify the concept of “bloom where you are planted”!

  2. Whitney- I am SO inspired by you!! I just think you are amazing and I am praying for you and all of your crew as ya’ll adjust to this new season of life!!! You are amazing! ❤️

  3. You have embraced every step of your career and motherhood. I know your family is proud of you!

  4. I am cheering for YOU! And keeping you and your family in my prayers as you make this transition. Love this post. It's made me feel all the feels remembering those precious years--especially as my youngest has moved away--just one more motherhood/family transition. You are inspiring.

  5. Love it! I am also Mom and teacher! I teach at a hybrid school so it's technically teaching 2 days a week in a 1st grade classroom and then homeschooling my kids the other three days a week. I think that there are pros and cons to all of it, but I'm learning that it's my attitude that makes the biggest difference! You've got this!


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