Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sick Baby

 My poor baby has been fighting off a cold this week.  She's sounded hoarse, has been sneezing, had a stuffy nose, been a drooling mess and just been fussier than usual this week.  It's her first time being sick and I feel so bad for her.  We've had lots of snuggles, extra attention, and I'm hoping it'll clear up soon!!  She's got her first pediatrician appointment with her new doctor in Arkansas next week.
The cats were even concerned for their sister :)

 I think Olive's on the mend and will be back to normal in no time.
Polka-dots and a big bow will make any girl smile :)


  1. Poor thing! I hate when little ones are sick. Amelia and I have been battling a nasty cold/cough all week. Hope she's feeling better soon.

  2. I didnt know it turned into a cold! Load on the baby Vicks and try some Little Noses saline spray. She won't love the spray but it will clear her up. Get well soon Olive!


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