Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kindergarten, Here I Come!

I have some exciting news to share with you today: I will be teaching kindergarten this Fall!

Leo and I will both be going to Evansville Christian School.

He tells everyone that he can't wait to go to school with mom and be an eagle.

It's the neatest opportunity.

I can't wait to return to the classroom to this dream job.

God took care of every single detail to make this amazing opportunity happen for our family.

It's a good story.

Stay tuned for that :)

We have been EXTRA busy this Summer trying to have the best Summer while also preparing for my return to teaching.  This all came together so fast.  I've been to new teacher trainings which feels weird and exciting after all these years.  My classroom has the cutest theme.  My coworkers have been wonderful so far and every single person I talk to loves working at ECS.  See what I mean about dream job??

In case you're new here - I taught 2nd/3rd grade in Utah for 9 years before we had kids.  I loved being a teacher.  And I have loved being a stay at home mom for the last 11 years as we followed Kevin's job around the country from Utah, Arkansas, Mississippi, Terre Haute, IN and now Evansville, IN.  It is exciting to return to a career that I loved and I am thankful for Kevin's support and encouragement to go for it.  Balancing work life and home life will require some great team work this year.  

We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers for a great school year as we all adjust to lots of new things.  I will still be blogging and you can still find me on social media, but it might take a bit to figure out the perfect balance of teaching, momming, blogging and life.  I've been blogging since 2011 and it's still one of my favorite hobbies.  Thanks for being here - some of you have been my blog friends since the beginning!  Thanks for reading and thanks for your love and support!


  1. I am truly so excited for you, Whitney! Those lucky kindergartners will be so blessed by you! You’ve got this!

  2. Congratulations on your new job! So sweet that Leo can go with you. He’ll be a very cute little eagle! 🥰

  3. Whitney!!! This is incredible news!!! I know this took a lot of bravery on your part to follow your heart and step into this new and exciting chapter of life. Those kindergarten students have no idea how lucky they are to have to you as their teacher!!!! I am so happy and excited for you!! Cheering you on!!!❤️📚✏️❤️

  4. Congratulations! This seems like a great fit for your family and your passions!

  5. Congratulations on the new gig!

  6. Tears of joy for wonderful teachers! I'm not sure how many of your followers can say first hand what a great teacher you are, but I can! The children are going to be so blessed to have you teach them and love them! And how fun to be at school with Leo.

  7. This is so exciting! God writes the BEST stories. I'm so happy for you!

  8. Congratulations! So exciting! I begin my 28th year next week! So glad to read that you are back in teaching! You will do great things!

  9. Somehow I missed your big announcement! Congratulations to you! No doubt you'll be a wonderful Kindergarten teacher and a blessing to all your students. That's a big change for your family and I understand how scary and unstable that feeling is. I went back to work last year after 10 years a SAHM and it took quite a bit of adjusting for our family. I'll be praying for the transition for all of you :-)


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