Monday, July 8, 2024

4th of July Recap

I hope you had a Happy 4th of July this year!

It was rainy and humid start to do the day here, but all the bad weather cleared for a fun evening.  It's Kevin's favorite holiday so he had been stocking up on fireworks every time he left the house.  The kids picked out all the best ones for our at home fireworks show.  We have a great view from our driveway and can see about 6 different fireworks shows all around us.

Kevin surprised us with an early morning donut run.  I surprised Olive with matching 4th of July pjs for us.  The little boys didn't love being left out of the matching pj situation.  Noted.

He also surprised me with holiday flowers since we had friends coming over for dinner.  He's a keeper!

The boys were in charge of prepping the grill and getting the backyard ready.  We kept it easy - brats and hot dogs and all the yummy Summer sides.

I tried a new recipe - a Chicken Salad Chick Copy Cat sugar cookie recipe.  They were very fluffy and Olive loved them.

2024 tree line picture.

2022 version of this picture.  Look how much everyone and everything has grown!!

Kevin also surprised me with this pink moscato and it was DELICIOUS.

We grilled with friends and then headed out to do fireworks as it started getting dark.  The dads were supervising.

The kids were having the best time.  We had loads of good fireworks, took a Bomb Pop break and had a great show all around our neighborhood.  Unfortunately, one of the fireworks malfunctioned and exploded in Kevin's hand.  The poor guy has the biggest blisters and has been in so much pain ever since.  He loves the 4th and fireworks so much that it was really sad to cut the evening short because of his burned hand.  Here's to hoping that it heals really quickly!

We ended up finishing our fireworks when Kevin was feeling better a few days later.  It was perfect weather and the kids had the best time.

Summer needs to SLOW DOWN because it is zooming by way too quickly.

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