Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Say Yes More

If you follow me in IG (@polkadottyplace), you know that I've been trying hard this Summer to SAY YES to the requests my kids make throughout the day.  I don't say yes to everything.  I promise. I just try to really listen to them and see if their request is doable.  Oftentimes their simple requests totally make their day and just require a little flexibility on my part.

Let me explain.  And if you're on IG, check out my highlight that is titled YES for lots more ideas all Summer long.  Meet Shelly.  The result of saying yes :)


These are some things that I have said YES to this Summer:


Can we bake blueberry muffins together for breakfast?

Can I bring quarters with us to the mall and spend them at the candy machine?

Can we have a slumber party in your room tonight?

Can we buy this fun cereal?

Can I pick the movie tonight?

Can we invite friends over to play?

Can we play outside until dark?

Can we stop at the new snow cone stand?

Can we pick dinner tonight?

Can we keep this turtle we found for a few days?

Can we all research animals and share facts about them?

Can we play games after Leo goes to bed?

Will you paint my nails?

Can I take a shower in your fancy shower?

Can you invite someone over for dinner?

Will you take me to the library?

See what I mean - they're all little things that don't require a lot of time or money to make happen!  The kids have been thrilled with having more say in how they spend their summer days.  I challenge you to join me in saying YES to some unexpected fun this Summer.


  1. Sounds like everyone is having a fun summer so far! And they will remember these YES days. :)

  2. I love the spirit of wonder and learning you have instilled in your kids! Sounds like summer is starting off with a bang!


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