Wednesday, July 24, 2019

15 Years: Crystal Anniversary

Today Kevin and I are celebrating our 15th anniversary!!

It has flown by.  It really is hard to believe 15 years have passed by so quickly.  Although when you start to tally up the highs and lows of our married life, there has been a lot of life lived together.  We've lived in 4 states, 6 homes, gotten 3 graduate degrees, so many different jobs, traveled all over the US, had 2 kids and 2 cats.  We sure have a lot to be thankful for after all these married years.

We've worked through loads of hard things together - struggles at work, changes in careers, infertility, sickness, being the new people in a new place over and over again and more.  There were highs and lows for sure.  Thankfully, the good times have always outweighed the hard ones and we came through things stronger.  Marriage requires a lot of work.  Daily choices to put someone else's needs first and to look out and love someone else.  It's not always easy, but the investment in your family is always worth it.

We have rarely given anniversary gifts, but the 15 year milestone felt like one worthy of gift giving.

The traditional 15 year gift is crystal.

I picked out a couple new wedding bands for a stack of rings - one for each of our kids.  And I gifted Kevin monogrammed whiskey glasses.  I also booked a surprise babysitter and made reservations at one of the nicest restaurants in town.  He's going to be thrilled!

After 15 years, our best marriage advice is to:
1. Talk about everything.  Communication is key!
2. Say you're sorry
3. Compromise
4. Tell your spouse what you need

One of my favorite pictures from our wedding:

Kevin surprised me this year.  He snuck the kids over to the chapel where we got married - Neu Chapel in Southern Indiana.  He did a quick little photo shoot last time we were in our hometown without me knowing.  It was really sweet of him to think of this weeks in advance.  He knew I'd love it and he was right.  I love seeing our kids there all these years later.

 Happy Anniversary to us!

How long have you been married??  What's your best marriage advice or the best marriage advice you've been given?


  1. Whitney!!!! Happy Anniversary!!
    I love your reflections on marriage and the advice you give. I love seeing the ways Kevin and you put each other first and love each other so well!
    Your rings are gorgeous and your special date night is going to be so special and fun! And Kevin!! What a beautiful job he did in getting those pictures of the kids at your wedding chapel!!! Happiest Anniversary friend!!💗

  2. What a beautiful tribute to love and marriage...You and Kevin do a wonderful job of keeping your marriage on track.So proud of you both for working so hard to do it..Love You both..

  3. Happy Anniversary!! That is a great picture from your wedding day - so much joy. The pictures of the kids at the chapel are adorable and very special. We've been married +12 years, together for 20 (eeek!). I have very little advice other than to put God first and let Him order the rest. When we've taken our eyes off God is when things got rough.

  4. Happy anniversary! Those rings are gorgeous! What a sweet surprise with the pictures. Hope y'all have a fun evening. Communication is definitely a good key to making your marriage work, especially when kids enter the picture. And putting your spouse before you. We've been married for 2.5 years.

  5. Happy anniversary, you two! You do a great job for being so intentional with each other. I love love love your anniversary gift to each other as well. How meaningful! This year will be our 23rd anniversary, I cannot believe it! Time absolutely flies by.

  6. Happy anniversary! Here's wishing you many more great years together. That's all sound advice for keeping a marriage working well.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Such great advice - communication is #1 on my advice list as well. Love your new rings!


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