Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Happy 11th Birthday, Olive!

Happy Birthday, Olive!

Olive turns 11 today and I'm in disbelief.  It seems like just yesterday that we were about to have our first baby while we were living in Salt Lake City, Utah.  

She was the easiest baby and traveled like a dream.  She lived in Utah, Arkansas, Mississippi and two cities in Indiana.  We traveled a ton when she was little and she road in the car like a pro.  She was my best sidekick as we were constantly adjusting to new cities, new friends and new routines.  

We're so proud of her!

5th grade had highs and lows.  Thankfully, more highs than lows.  She had the best teacher, was in class with some great friends, learned a ton and her confidence really grew.  She ended the year being accepted into honors math for 6th grade and getting the teacher that she really wanted.  Big things are ahead for this smart girl.

Current favorites:
- smoothies & salty snacks
- going to the mall
- online shopping
- making lists
- making plans with her friends
- cats & kittens
- penguins
- Stitch & movie nights
- snow cones
- & all the things that preteens do!

We celebrated her with family and friends and can't wait to have a fun day with her today!

11 is going to be a really great year.  I just know it!

A throwback to our 2013 Utah days:

We love you, Olive!


  1. Happy birthday to your dear Olive!

  2. I just realized that Havah was just turning 11 when Olive was born! Time flies 🥹

  3. Happy birthday, Olive! May God bless her enormously in the upcoming year as she continues to grow into such a wonderful young lady!

  4. Happy Birthday Olive! Hope you have a great day! 🎂🎁🎈🐱

  5. Happy birthday to Olive! I love the baby picture.

  6. Happy Birthday, Olive! It's been fun to watch her grow up on your blog!

  7. Happy birthday to your sweet Olive! I loved age 11 with my girls. 🥰 So fun! And your Bundt cakes look delicious!

  8. Darling birthday girl


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