Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends!  It's been a busy week with all of the end of the school year festivities plus lots of adulting with meetings and appointments.  The kids have their last day of school today and we're excited for Summer!

Did you catch my blog posts this week?

Preteen Parenting Shopping Tips - #2 is my best teen tip ever

Full Sun Flowers - come see all my full sun favorites!

Our Creek

Now onto the highlights of our week:

1. Kevin's Grandma Sharon turned 86 this past week!  We took her out to dinner and I baked her a birthday bundt cake.  We ate at our favorite pizza spot Turonis and had a great evening.  These 9x9 foil pans with lids are still my favorite Sams find.  They are perfect for delivering food in a cute way.  We're lucky to have such a wonderful Grandma/Great Grandma!  She's smart, interesting and interested in us, tech savvy (reads my blog!!) and we always enjoy our time together.

2. Mom saved the day.  Last week Leo got a new car at Target and then lost it on the way home from Target.  It was tragic.  Unbeknownst to me, he was driving this tiny monster truck along his open window ledge in the van.  We were zooming along a busy road and he screamed MY CAR!  He burst into tears and told me through sobs that he dropped his car and wasn't able to catch it.  He was devastated.  He cried the whole way home.  Huge tears.  He kept saying... I loved my new car.  I didn't mean to lose it.  I tried to catch it, but I wasn't quick enough.  Can we go back and get it?  Will someone find it for me?  Please go save it from getting run over.  Etc. etc.  It was REALLY sad.  I did contemplate trying to go back and find it, but like i said it was a busy road and a tiny car.  He talked about it for days.  Instead I did what anyone with a heart would do, I hopped on Amazon and ordered him a new one.  Then I surprised him by hiding it in the mailbox a couple of days later.  He gets our mail every day so he was THRILLED that someone found his car and returned it to him.  Wink. Wink.  Mom win :)

3. Grocery Pick Up.  A mom's dream come true.  It's my favorite drive up service ever.  I am so thankful for Walmart and Sams pick up.  I also love Meijer and Target, but use Walmart the most.  There's nothing better than ordering groceries in our pjs and pulling up to get everything you need for the week.

4. Asaparagus.  I tried roasting asparagus this week and it was so good!   Just drizzle with olive oil, favorite seasoning mix and roast until tender.  YUM!

5. King Leo.  It makes me happy to see Leo enjoying slow mornings at home.  Soon enough he'll need to rush to get ready to head to school, but not right now.  Enjoy the shows, kitty snuggles and lounging as much as possible.

6. Book Lovers.  SO GOOD!

7. Stay weird.  Pearl loves to perch like this and it cracks me up.  She is nosey, but from a distance.

8. Olive got promoted to middle school youth group!  She had a blast at their color run kick off with her friends.

9. Disney Week!  Fletcher's teacher planned a fun Disney week for the last week of school.  We got some cute tshirts for him.  Mickey day and Star Wars day were favorites.

10. Field Day!  The kids had rescheduled field days this week.  The weather was PERFECT.  Kevin went to Fletcher's field day and I went to Olive's.  The played the cutest games and it was really fun to see them playing with their friends.  It's our favorite to see them having a great time at school!

11. Bundt cakes are my favorite!  I've been on a bundt cake making kick.  This one was fun because everyone got to pick their favorite icing flavor - vanilla, chocolate or twist - on their piece of cake.  Isn't it pretty??

12. Growing!  We have blueberries for the first time!!  Kevin planted these bushes last year.  He was so excited to see real blueberries growing this year.  And my flower seeds are sprouting!

I hope you had a great week and have fun plans for your weekend!

I'll see you back here on Tuesday :)

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. I love reading your blog! You always share such fun family things to do and great ideas for meals and snacks!

  2. What icing do you use on the bundt cake. Looks just like a Nothing Bundt Cake! Have a great weekend!

  3. Looks like you've had a fun week and I'm glad the car was 'returned' : ) Have a great weekend!

  4. Happy birthday to Kevin's Grandma Sharon. She sounds like a lovely lady. That cake looks fab!
    I am glad the car arrived quickly and how cute that it arrived in the mailbox.
    Ahh! I do one better with my grocery shopping. Order it in my pj's then it gets delivered to my house. hehehe I am not brave enough to answer the door in my pj's though.
    Aww! Pearl is funny sitting on the bed like that.


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