Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Full Sun Flowers

My yard is FULL SUN with almost zero shade.

I have found some full sun favorites to share with you in case our yards are similar.  

Look at this pretty assortment of lantana, lavendar, superbells double redstone petunias, golden butterfly daisies, dianthis and more.  I rarely buy specific flower colors and try hard to plant the rainbow.

I'm also trying a little seed experiement.  Maybe becoming a seed collector?  It started last year where I'd harvest seeds (after googling how to harvest flower seeds) and let them dry out.  I've been storing them since last Summer.  I collected Pink Vinca, Lantana in various colors and french marigolds.  I'm really hoping my seed experiement works!  I planted some wildflowers and alyssum, too.

I planted them in several different pots.  Some pots were all seeds and some pots got plants with a few seeds.  I'll keep you posted on what sprouts.

My flower loving friend Kristen from Texas sent me some zinnia seeds!  It was the sweetest surprise and I'm hoping they thrive in the Midwest like hers do in Texas.  I have reached a new level of adulting where sharing flower seeds is exciting!  My rock heart collection from Fletcher looks nice with my flower pots.

I'm also collecting transplanted flowers for my yard.  Both of Kevin's grandma's offered me some perennials and I really hope they love my yard.  Imagine our landscaping has a layer of fresh mulch because it will before the weekend.

I planted my front planters with lavender, green filler and lots of seeds.  Let's see what sprouts!

I think I'm done planting flowers or close to done and then we'll start on the vegetable garden next!  I bought way less flowers and planted way more seeds this year.  A little risky, but I loved saving money and am excited to see how my seeds do.

What did you plant at your house this year??

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks nice! I had no idea you could harvest your own flower seeds! All of these do well in Texas full sun, with the exception of the petunias. They need partial shade here, or wait until October to plant here.


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