Monday, May 13, 2024

Northern Lights in our Backyard

We got the coolest surprise on Friday - the Northern Lights were visible from our backyard!!

All the maps showed that Southern Indiana would likely be too far south to see them, but there was a tiny chance the lights would be visible according to local weather people.  Kevin planned a bonfire and a boys camp out in the backyard for Saturday.  I stayed inside with Olive and Leo.  Leo fell asleep early and Olive and I watched some cooking shows and had snacks.  We were having a party of our own.

The boys were sitting around the bonfire and Fletcher told Kevin something was happening in the sky.  Kevin came running in to tell us to look at the sky.  The Northern Lights were visible!!  We grabbed shoes and jackets and headed out to join the boys at their campsite.  


We saw cool colors with our eyes, but our cell phones picked up some really amazing rainbows of color.  We saw constellations, shooting stars, the coolest colors and we were all amazed at the night sky from probably 9:30-10:30pm.

Could you see the Northern Lights at your house this weekend?

I hope you get a chance to see them someday!

We made some really fun memories together this weekend!


  1. Awesome photos. We had the Southern Lights this weekend, unfortunately we could not see them from our home, photos online were amazing. Mother Nature at her finest.

  2. I'm in Kansas City, and slept through them. But my son got some cool shots. What a great experience!

  3. So cool! We could see them in GA but we slept right through them!


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