Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Our Creek

The kids have been very busy working in our creek this year.


The boys have cleared a whole new trail.  

Olive is keeping close tabs on all the bird nests and the honeysuckle.  

Leo has mastered using gardening tools for trimming.

Fletcher hunts for the coolest rocks.

It's their favorite spot to play.

Our backyard play set arrived on a giant pallet.  As soon as the kids saw it, they knew it would make the perfect bridge for our creek.  Once we got the playset built, they talked me into helping them find the perfect spot for their new bridge.  We all put on gloves and used our muscles to move it across the yard.  We scoped out all the spots the bridge could go and settled on this one.  It is secure and they are really careful when crossing it.  The kids are so proud to be able to have a working bridge.  Maybe one day we'll have fun neighbors build a house on the other side of the creek!

They spend a ton of time working in the creek.  That means they're trimming things up.  Making stick piles for bonfires.  Keeping a close eye on all of the wild blackberries and finding treasures that wash away from the farm nearby.

This mama robin was really fun to watch.  She had three babies to take care of this Spring.

Fletcher and I worked hard to cut out this construction barrier that goes the length of our property.  It was a dirty, sweaty job, but we were able to remove tons of it.  The boys have their own set of shovels and tools for the creek.  Leo can now trim blackberry bushes like a pro.  He trims them and picks the trimmings up with his tool avoiding all the sharp stickers.  Smart guys!

Fletcher loves to rescue animals and makes sure to bury any creatures that don't make it.  He set up this whole grave for a baby bird that didn't make it.  Flowers and all.

Fletcher also discovered this pretty rose bush when he was cutting a new trail.  It was so pretty filled with whilte blooms this Spring.

We always love to see what pretty flowers pop up at the creek.

We see all kinds of critters - bunnies, snakes, turtles, birds, frogs and the ocassional bald eagle overhead when we're playing outside.  The creek is their favorite part of our yard and hopefully a place that will hold some of their favorite childhood memories.


  1. Having a wild place to explore with a creek and a bridge where you discover treasure and uncover mysteries is going to be a fantastical memory of their childhood! It sounds magical! How fun!


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