Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Unknown Novice

Fact: I'm not good with the unknown.  I prefer routine, stability and change on my terms.  Some might say I'm a control freak and it's probably true.  I make lists about lists, I plan almost everything in advance and 
no one would ever accuse me of being spontaneous.  

My head is spinning with unknowns right now.  People are asking for details and for my help in making plans yet I have no clue how to respond.  Out of my comfort zone, for sure.  I'm extremely excited about the upcoming months with the arrival of our first child in May/early June, wrapping up my 9th year of teaching, planning several big events at school, enjoying the next 3 months to the MAX in Utah, packing up our whole lives and moving 1,500 miles from Salt Lake to Little Rock and orchestrating all of the details to wrap up things in UT and get set up in AR.

Just a sampling of the questions going through my head right now: 
How long will I be able to teach?  
I'm due June 3rd and the last day of the school year is June 6th.
When will Olive decide to make her big appearance?
When should I have my hospital bag ready to go? 
How will I feel/bounce back after having a baby?
Are we prepared to bring home a new baby?  Do we have what she'll need?
How will the cats react to our new addition?
How will Kevin and I adjust to parenthood?
When should I schedule visitors and their flights in June?
When should I start packing?
How will my cats do on the 24ish hour road trip?
How will Olive do with the move?
etc etc etc

As I am pondering all of the above,
the following quote (via erehwyna) was music to my ears tonight.

Be open to the possibility
that the unknown
may be better than
what we know now.

Happy thoughts before heading to bed.  Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts from Aunt Vera.........
    I think they are too long for this - I
    should email them!!


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