My 2011-12 school year had lots of highlights.
1. I had an adorable class of 30 kids.
2. I had students with super supportive parents who were very appreciative of me.
I'm really lucky to be at a school where the parents shower me with love.
3. I successfully taught 2nd and 3rd grade for three years.
4. I made some new friends at school.
5. I published a book with my class.
6. I tried lots of new projects and lessons with my students.
7. My class came in 4th place for the most reading minutes in the entire school.
8. I planned & hosted 10+ events/showers/parties.
9. I get to go back to teaching just 3rd grade next year.
10. I won the
Golden Apple Outstanding Educator
award at my school.
I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing summer break :)
Congrats on this award Whitney! It is MUCH deserved! -Jacque