Friday, June 14, 2019

4 Simple Strawberry Recipes & Berry Picking Favorites

We got to go strawberry picking this week and it might have been our best experience yet.  It's always a FAVORITE summer activity for us.  The kids both picked berries (although Fletcher did a lot of eating and not a lot of filling the basket :), were happy to go along for the ride, ate berries and the weather was PERFECT.  Like 70s, blue skies and the perfect amount of wind.  What is this Summer weather in the Midwest!?!  We'll take it although it's feeling much too cold for swimming.  Maybe next wee!

I loaded up the kid and headed about 30 minutes north.  We have picked strawberries and apples at Ditzler Orchard for 3 years now.  We look forward to this short little road trip regularly.  The first year was hard - baby Fletcher hated it and every year has gotten easier after that.  So moms of littles... keep it up.  One day your outings will get easier and your kids will be able to do more and more!!  I promise!

Strawberry Picking 2017
Strawberry Picking 2018

 Summer perfection!!

We got home and went on a bike ride or two.

We ate all of our strawberries pretty quickly.  I thought you might be interested in 4 SUPER easy, SUPER fast recipes to use fresh strawberries in this Summer.  It's hard to call them recipes because they really are so basic.  I guarantee you'll enjoy these easy ideas for strawberries this Summer.

Strawberry Lemonade
(pink lemonade + finely chopped strawberries.  You can mash them or chop them fine)

Strawberries + Whipped Cream

Strawberry Ice Cream
Finely Chop strawberries + favorite vanilla ice cream.
Let the vanilla ice cream melt just a little and stir in fresh strawberries.

Sugar Dusted Strawberries
Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve.

Yum!  Tastes like Summer!

 It's time to link up with my favorite blogging buddies for High Five for Friday.  Join us with a few different blog posts and be sure to look around to find some new blog friends

Becky @  By BMG Blog
Della @ Della Devoted
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
Whitney P @ Come Home for Comfort


  1. Our favorite strawberry picking place opens this weekend and I can not wait to go picking!

  2. We love strawberry picking so much!


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