Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What I Need to Succeed

I got some new plants recently and they had tags on them that said:

"What I Need to Succeed"

followed by a short list of all the things I needed to do to care for them.

It got me thinking.

What do I need to succeed??

I used to think that I needed to be teaching/working outside the home to feel successful.

I've learned that isn't true.

I was an elementary school teacher for 9 years and have been a stay at home mom for 4 years.  I've had to change and adapt over the years to be my best self.  I feel perfectly successful teaching my young children as a stay at home mom and don't require a classroom to succeed.

I came up with a list of 10 things that I need to succeed right now in my current stage of life:

1. Alone time at night to get work done

2. Healthy eating to balance out my love for baking

3. A mix of quiet days at home and busy days with friends

4. Routines & regular activities to do with the kids each week (story time, science class, etc).  There's nothing I love more than planning out our weeks and making lists.

5. An organized house

6. A helpful husband who is home for dinner, happy to work with me, has a flexible schedule and is always there for us when we need him.

7. Creative projects - decorating, gardening, blogging or making of any kind.

8. Family time.  Just the 4 of us as well as time with our families.

9. Adult friends.

10. Adventure.  Trips, new experiences, new hobbies, etc.

What are some things that you need to succeed??


  1. This is so fun! I need so many of those same things. It's all about balance. Ha ha!

  2. Such a sweet post Whitney. I think my list would look a whole lot like yours. One of my big ones is my gym time. I didn't really start doing that until my kids were 2.5 & 5 but it has really made the difference for me over the past 4 years.

  3. What a great list! I need most of those things, as well! Sometimes its a struggle being a SAHM and feeling "successful" in this world! I often times felt like I lost my "identity"!
    Hope you have a great Wednesday!

  4. What fun! I love lists like this. I think mine would be a lot like yours - maybe I'd also add, Mexican food, quoetntime with Jon at the end of the day, blog reading time in the morning ;) and exercise :-)

  5. Such a sweet post! I think it's important to have a balance of needs/wants in life. Sometimes you need to treat yourself to things to keep your sanity. lol

  6. I am so much like you! It's almost comical. I just need the "simple" things of life to make me happy. And when I'm happy I am much more successful in all aspects of life.


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