Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Welcome to the Family, Mr. Mittens!

Welcome to the family, Mr. Mittens!

The kids have been begging for a kitten forever.  They showed me kittens non-stop and were always trying to find us the perfect kitten.  I love cats, but wasn't sure the beginning of this school year was the best time for a new family member.  They pleaded their case assuring me they'd help with the housework and kitty care.  I turned down lots of cats.  Then we found Mr. Mittens and couldn't resist on Sunday, August 18th.

Mr. Mittens is 3 months old.  He was born in Kentucky.  He is very playful and sweet.  The hissing has mostly stopped from his kitty siblings.  They are sleeping on the same surfaces, but not touching.  He's eager to snuggle so I'm guessing he'll win over Penny first.  They have very similar outgoing and friendly personalities.  Pearl pretends he doesn't exist like she does with most people outside of our family.  And Topher was the most welcoming of the bunch.  Sweet old man has seen his share of kittens and kids added to the family.  3 kittens and 3 kids don't bother him much.

We bought him the kitten food he was used to eating and just made him his own spot in the laundry room.  All the cats seemed to appreciate the new toys.  Everyone shares a litter box and they all snack on each other's food.  He's been an easy addition to the family.  The very best kind.

We are all working hard to be his favorite person.  So far I think Olive is in the lead.

Petsmart partners with a local animal shelter and they have some weird pet rules - you cannot hold or play with kittens before you adopt them, you cannot take their very favorite toy in their cage with them and you have to pay cash.  We could tell that he was very social, very playful and he seemed to be showing off all of his tricks for us.  Combine that with the fact that he was cute with unique markings and I was sold.

We all held him on the way home.

Determined to be his favorite human.

Leo's been really gentle with him.

He seemed so happy to be home right away.  He's claimed favorite napping spots already which conveniently were not already taken but another family member.

He keeps us on our toes!

Is such a handsome tuxedo cat!  His curiousity keeps him busy.

We talked through lots of names, but Mr. Mittens was the one that stuck.  

We love you, Mr. Mittens!


  1. Yay! He is such a handsome boy. My sister and I both have tuxedo cats, and we can confirm they are delightful - funny, playful, curious, and loving. I can't wait to see all the Mr. Mittens content on Instagram! <3

  2. What a handsome fella!

  3. I love him! You’ll have to tell me what went into choosing him! And those rules at Petsmart are awful! They wouldn’t let you hold the kittens? Is it because they are worried about sickness? I am so glad he is fitting right in with his siblings and is such a friendly little guy! I look forward to many more years of seeing him grow!

  4. Congratulations! Mr. Mittens is so sweet and the name is just adorable! 🥰 We once made the mistake of spontaneously telling our son we would take him to Petsmart to pick out a cat for his adoption anniversary only to find out it wasn’t that easy. Several days later we gave up and went to our local shelter. My husband and I joke that it was easier adopting a child than a cat! 🤣

  5. So cute! What a funny rule at Petsmart about not holding / playing with them! You have your hands full this fall.


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