Friday, June 28, 2024

Garden Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm going to do a garden check in today.  Our garden is doing so well this year.  We learned a lot about gardening last year, spent a year composting and our soil is so much better in year two of our garden.

Same size garden this year, but everything is growing so much better!  A friend helped us till up the ground and we planted in early June.

Zucchinis are thriving!  They did not do great last year, but they are so happy this year.

Fake snakes keep the bunnies away :)
Cantaloupe is growing.

Okra is growing nicely.  We had to plant seeds becuase we couldn't find plants so they are a little behind.

Jalapenos, sweet peppers, a couple of tomatoes and another fake snake.

A friend made us this compost bin and it's been great.  I compost year round all fruits, veggies, clippings and then we added compost into the soil.  Last year we composted directly into the garden soil.  That was easy, but not so great to look at.  This compost bin has helped the wild blackberries behind it and the garden.  We will keep composting because it's such an easy way to help our garden.

I planted a lot of flower seeds in these pots.  An herb pot and two pots of large tomatoes for BLTs.  Some of the seeds are thriving and some are not.  It's a good experiment.

These flowers are my favorite!  They're all doing so well.  All full sun.

Lantana.  Astillbe that I planted from seeds.  Petunias.  The kids and I just grabbed all the flowers that caught our eye.  We didn't worry about matching or color coordinating.  I love the mix of colors.

I read that lavender helps keep mosquitos away and I love the way it smells.

Zinnias from seeds!  And a mix of some wildflowers from seeds.

We learned a lot about gardening.  We work together to pull weeds, water the garden daily and love keeping tabs on what's growing.  My favorite bunny hack is adding cat hair to the perimeter of the garden.  It keeps the bunnies away so well and it's free!  We just brush our cats regularly, save their cat hair and put it at the edges of the garden.  It's amazing.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  See you back here on Monday.


  1. Your garden looks fantastic! I love that you didn’t try to be matchy with the flower colors—just planting what you love makes a beautiful bouquet! And the cat fur is a great tip I think I’ll have to try. We have rabbits and deer that like to munch. Irish springs soap has helped!


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