Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Birthday, Topher!

Happy July!  Summer really is flying by.  Our sweet Topher turns 15 today!

We surprised him with a new bag of cat toys, fresh cat nip and his favorite wet cat food "cake".

He was born in Utah, adopted in a Target parking lot with the name of Garfield and has lived all over the country.  He's always been a sweet guy, but somehow he's gotten friendlier and more outgoing as he's gotten older.  He barely batted an eye when we added cats and kids to the family.  He's lived in six different houses always managing to find the sunniest spots to nap.  He loves me the most with a close second to anyone that will turn on a faucet for him to get a drink.

Cute, but annoying little sisters.

He's been a healthy, happy guy his whole life!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, happy birthday Topher! You are such a handsome boy!


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