Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fancy Sheet Cake

I tried something new for Olive's birthday cake and it was so much fun!  

I made her favorite cake - homemade carrot cake - and did homemade buttercream frosting.  Instead of icing the whole cake with a knife, I used a piping bag to ice each individual piece of cake.  I added pecans to some and left most of the cake without nuts.  It turned out so pretty and was so much fun to cut and serve.

Carrot cake

Butttercream Icing

Swirl it on in a pattern of 4x7 swirls on a 9x13 pan.  I added a row of pecans for those of us who wanted pecans.  The cake was pretty, delicious and so much cheaper than buying a store bought birthday cake.  Everyone loved this fancy sheet cake and it was so easy. 



  1. What a cute idea! I love this!

  2. Beautiful!! Would love to see a post about your frosting! Do you make it yourself? How do you pipe it (links to what you use, etc)?

  3. This was so pretty! Great idea. When I looked up your icing recipe, it was the same as the one I use! You just made it look so pretty with the piping!

  4. Clever cake idea!

  5. What a brilliant idea! I love the way the cake looks and now my mind is spinning with fun ways to adapt the idea to other cakes, too! Thanks for sharing! (It's my first time commenting but I love checking in to read your blog and to see what your family is up to!)


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