Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Easy Roasted Asparagus

I recently had a fun conversation with my friends over on IG about asaparagus!

They gave me so many ideas of how to prepare it after I said it felt like an intimidating vegetable to get right.

I opted for the easiest recipe and it was delicious.


Wash.  Cut off the bottom 1-2 inches of each stalk.  Put on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at 400 for 20--25 minutes or until tender.  Drizzle olive oil on top and season with your favorite seasoning before baking.  They'll be bright green and tender when you're done.

Other friends suggested air frying the asparagus, roasting with lemon juice or lemon pepper seasoning, cooking on a skillet and removing them once they turn bright green.  If they end up an army green they they'll be mushy.

I will be roasting veggies all Summer long.  This same method work great for red potatoes, carrots, zucchnini, sweet potatoes, onions, green beans and more.  I love when Kevin grills meat for dinner and then I make some roasted vegetable sides.

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