Friday, June 14, 2024

June Coffee Chat

Happy Friday, Friends!  I've got a coffee chat post for you today instead of my usual favorites.  Grab your favorite breakfast and et's chat about all the things!  Pearl will be joining us today :)

1. What's your go to mosquito repellent?  For people and patios?  Two of my kids are delicious to mosquitos and I hate that for them.  I picked up some bracelets for them to try at Home Depot.  I've always wondered about those stickers you can put on their clothes.

2. I need a few new Summer dresses.  Where is your go to spot to find something pretty, colorful, floral, fun and light weight.  Also, not super short.  The last few dresses I've tried were SHORT or super low cut.

3. I have been loving reading Emily Henry's books this Summer.  First I read Happy Place.  Then I read Book Lovers and now I'm moving onto The People We Meet on Vacation.  The characters are all so interesting and each story feels familiar yet different.  You will come to expect happy endings (which I love!), but there are a lot of twists and turns along the way.  With a little bit of spice.

4. What is everyone grilling this Summer?  I love grilling season (Kevin does all the grilling) and am looking for some new protein options.

5. What shows are you watching?  Kevin and I started Into the Night - it's about a group of people who are on a plane together who are racing around the world to avoid being burned up by the sunlight.  It's been interesting and dramatic so far.  I'm watching The Parisian Agency's new seasons.  I listen to it in french and read the subtitles.  It's so interesting to see their exlusive properties all over the world plus I love their family business dynamics.

6. What are some things that are on your family's summer to do list?

7. I'm currently trying to schedule all the appointments for us.  I'm trying to get my new contact prescription just right which is annoying.  Hopefully I'll end up with new glasses and new contacts that I love.  Then it's onto pediatrician appointments, dentist appointments, etc.

8. I've got a great money saving tip for you - learn to do haircuts at home!!  Obviously, this won't work for everyone, but if you've got little boys or girls with long hair, there are tons of youtube videos out there to teach you.  Just buy a great set of clippers on Amazon and get started.  I've been cutting everyone's hair starting with Olive in 2013 and it's saved us so much money.  Boy hair grows so fast that it's awesome to be able to confidently take care of it at home.  Kevin's hair is the hardest, but I've figured it out.  And if someone gets a bad Summer haircut, your schedules are probably lighter and won't see all that many people.  Fun fact, Kevin has been trimming my hair since college so for probably 20 years.   

9. I'm doing a Jen Wilkin Bible study - Sermon on the Mount - with my small group this Summer.  Have you ever done one of her studies??  It's a combination of videos and homework throughout the week.  The kids come with the moms and they play while we do the Bible study.  I'm hoping to learn a lot.

10. Talk to me about your favorite screen free games to play as a family or for you kids to play.  My big kids love when I play Yahtzee with them and then we have a handful of other games.  We like doing puzzles together, but Leo is at a hard age for big puzzles to be fun.  The kids call him the enemy of all puzzles.

Thanks for chatting!

Happy Summer!

I'll be blogging as consistently as I can with my whole crew home this Summer!


  1. Michael has been cutting my hair for a few years too. I used to cut the kids' hair too. I'll have to check out Into the Night...sounds interesting!

  2. I always enjoy your coffee chats, Whitney! We love summer meals and are throwing everything on the grill— chicken, burgers, salmon, pork chops, pork tenderloin! I season or marinate it during the day and have it ready for my husband to grill when he gets home. For games, we are liking Slapzi, Taco Cat, Dicecapades, and Dutch Blitz (Dutch Blitz maybe more for teens). As for summer dresses, I found a long knit dress on Amazon that is very cool and comfy. It doesn’t come in florals but it does come in a variety of pretty solid colors and can be dressed up or down. I have it in four colors! They were $28 when I bought mine a few weeks ago but now they’re $35. Hopefully the price will drop again! Here’s the link:

  3. I use bug spray from the wellness box (message me and I can give you more details). It doesn't smell horrible and is essential oils but works great.
    My kids love uno and trouble.
    I love grill season too because I don't grill. We do chicken, steak, fish, shrimp, burgers, and dogs.


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