Monday, June 10, 2024

5th Grade, 2nd Grade & Year 4 in Review

The kids wrapped up another great school year!

5th grade, 2nd grade and year 4 were good to us.

Olive was devastated to see 5th grade come to an end.  She had an amazing teacher that will forever be one of her favorites.  And some of her best friends were in her class.  She learned a ton.  Learned to advocate for herself and become more confident doing presentations.  She's so self motivated, organized and a Canva master.  She had 7 different jobs around the school.  And her proudest accomplishment was working so hard in math that she earned a spot in honors math for 6th grade.

Fletcher was thrilled to see 2nd grade end and say hello to Summer break!  He had a great year, but this guy loves to be home.  He learned a lot about fossils, started a fossil collection of his own, learned about pollinators, dinosaurs and more.  Math comes so easy for him.  He'd prefer to keep all of his school work short and sweet unless it's math or science time.  He made lots of good friends and is hoping Summer lasts forever.

Leo is loving being 4.  He stays up late.  Sleeps in late and snoozed through before school pictures.  He loves being my sidekick.  Making plans with his buddies and playing the days away.  He's a happy side kick as long as I keep the snacks flowing and do what he says.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  He knows exactly what he wants and usually can't be budged.  Cars, swinging, bike rides and playgrounds are his favorite.  He loves being the baby of the family and tells everyone that he's going to school soon.  He's headed for Pre-K this Fall.

Hooray for Summer break!


  1. Love these kids. Each one exceptional in their own way. But so is their mom.

  2. I wish I could hire Olive to give me a Canva tutorial! I have to use it for work and it stumps me. :) So fun to see how your sweet kiddos grew this year!


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