Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Notre Dame 20th Reunion Day 2

We woke up bright and early Satruday morning to head to campus.  We were ready to check into our dorm for the day and get busy exploring.  There were events all day long on campus - picnics, get togethers, tours, photo ops, family fun and more.  We looked over the agenda and were ready to go.

It was a non-stop day.

We checked into the dorms for one night.  Our accomodations were basic and they may have failed to mention that air conditioning was opening your window, but the kids loved it.

We trecked out to Carroll Hall which we heard had recently been remodeled.

Kevin's dorm was the most remote and he's got some crazy stories from his days in the dorm.  I think he'd tell you he loved his single apartment living way better than dorm life.

We were trying to pack in as much as possible before the rain hit.  Fletcher brought along his tablet so he could take pictures of his own.  It was precious.

Stopped and said some prayers at The Grotto.  I took a picture of Kevin and the kids then a sweet lady insisted I hop in the picture for a whole family shot.  Moms looking out for moms!

We popped in the student center for some snacks and coffee.

And got a tiny glimpse of what it'll be like to visit our college kids at college.  I'm guessing they'll always be excited for snacks with mom and dad.

We got to go inside the stadium for a luncheon.  It was so cool!  The kids had never been inside the stadium so this was neat.  Leo wasn't impressed, but the older two can't wait to go back for a football game.

Next, we headed to a drinks/snacks/game tent to hang out.  The kids loved the oversized yard games, snacks and place to hang out.  The rain came and we still had a great time.

Leo climbed all the big rocks on campus.  He wasn't impressed by all the landmarks, but he was impressed by the rocks.

We hurried back to the dorms to get ready for Kevin's class dinner that night.  The rain stopped, we dropped the kid's off at kid's camp and headed to enjoy dinner.  The food was delicious and we sat with a really nice table of people.  Just as we finished we got called to come get the kids.

I packed a different outfit for the dinner, but the flowy pants + rain weren't a good combo.  A run to Meijer for a new dress for the win.

The clover treats all weekend long were my favorite.

Has it really been 20 years since we were in college?!?

One more day of Notre Dame fun tomorrow!

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