Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Notre Dame 20th Reunion Day1

Kevin got the invitation for his 20th reunion from University of Notre Dame back in the Spring and we started talking seriously about going.  We have managed to skip every single reunion opportunity for the both of us for the last 20 years.  Neither of us had any interest in going until year 20.  We both gradulated from undergrad + got married 20 years ago this Summer.  That felt like a big milestone.  They had tons of events for families, kids and alums.  It was the first week of Summer so we decided to make reservations.  It's just about 5 hours north of us now so we planned a quick weekend roadtrip.

We had the best time!

We visited all of the famous landmarks on campus.

We got to spend the night in a dorm!  Super exciting very basic accomodations.  We might have decided taht we're too old to live in dorms again, but the kids LOVED every second of dorm life.

We visited our favorite spots around Southbend and just generally loved an entire weekend filled with Notre Dame festivities.

We felt nostalgic and sentimental about sharing a place that we love so much with the kids.  The big kids are ready to head back for a football game this Fall.

There was an exciting buzz on campus with alums everywhere you looked.  This group of guys offered to take a family picture for us and I appreciated it so much.  

Classic Leo.

We hardly ever use our stroller anymore, but we threw it in the car last minute.  I'm so thankful we did because we did a ton of walking all weekend long.

Fletcher looks so good in ND colors.

The weather was perfection!  And we had so much fun snapping pictures all over campus.

We got invited to a vow renewal ceremony in the Basilica.  It was a sweet group vow renewal and perfect for us celebrating our 20th anniversary next month.

It's a beautiful place.  I've been in the Basilica several times, but this was my first service here.  The kids did mostly great and the marriage service was sweet.  I'm glad Kevin signed us up for this special event.

After the service we explored campus.  The kids loved all the giant trees and pretty flowers.  Let's not forget the squirrel chasing.

Every single detail of the campus is beautiful.

We made several trips to the bookstore to update our ND gear for the season.  Olive found the cutest sweatshirt and belt bag.  They have a great bookstore on campus and a really fun one on the edge of campus.  Both are filled with the cutest gear.

All checked in and official for the Forever Irish weekend.

Then we headed to our favorite mexican restaurant for dinner - Salsa's Mexican Grill.

They have a "Guac Girl" who comes to your table, a spicy ranch, delicious salsa and such good food!  We were here when Fletcher was little so it was fun to come back.  The portions are huge so we did a lot of sharing.

We went to bed so excited for another fun day on campus tomorrow!


  1. Aw, this sounds awesome!! My husband got his Master's from ND so it is a special place for us too!! Your kids are growing up so much. <3


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