Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Leo 4-6 Months

Our sweet Leo is loving life at 6 months old.  He's getting into everything and always on the move.  Since this blog is my best attempt at a baby book, here's a recap of months 4, 5 and 6 with Leo.  Favorite baby picture overload :)

Leo // 4 Months

You are loving your toes, your toys and rolling all around.  Sometimes you get stuck on your side and need a little assistance.  Standing is your favorite and the 4 month sleep regression hit us all hard.  You're still taking 3-4 naps a day and you had a slumber party with Mimi for several nights because I had surgery.  Sometimes you catch a nap in the Ergo while we're on the go.

Your hair is coming in fuzzy brown.  It gets a little curly when you get hot.  You weight 18.5lbs and you are getting good at pinching, grabbing and drooling.  You get easily frustrated because it seems as though you are always wanting to do MORE to keep up with Olive and Fletcher.

You are so loved.  Olive and Fletcher fight over you and are eager to hold you all the time.

Leo // 5 Months

You are paying more attention to food and watch our every bite.  You're loving the vantage point from your high chair.  It keeps you up high with all the action.  I load your tray with toys and frozen teethers which makes you happy.  Your paci and your blanket are your favorite.  We keep trying to introduce you to your giraffe, but you are indifferent about it.  You talk the most to Olive.  She gets you babbling like crazy and we tease that she speak your language.  You babble off to sleep.  We call it your sleepy song.  It's very loud, wordy and it's our signal that you're ready to sleep. 

You just noticed that we have cats.  You think they're very funny.  We added two kitten to the family - Penny & Pearl.  You just want to squeeze them.  You're on the move big time.  You rolled off the couch and we all felt terrible.  You found yourself aboard your first train ride this year at our Fall Festival with friends.  You still seem to love Mama the most and people often say that you look like me.  You mastered the fake cough which is a little unfortunate with all the COVID drama running rampant.

Leo // 6 Months

Most exciting news of the month is that you decided MAMA should be your first word.  At first we thought you were just babbling, but then you'd say Mama and flash a giant smile at me.  We all heard it.  You're the first Jordan kiddo to say mom before dad.  You are getting grabby.  Pinching everything in your path.  You love to play with empty PEZ containers.  Rolling around the room is your favorite.  You hit the milestone of getting stuck under chairs and desks this month.  You are very strong.  Everyone who holds you comments your size and strength.  We lovingly call you Big Chunk, Tank or Boss Baby.  

We got our first family pictures taken as a family of 5.  You were pretty serious, but adorable nonetheless.  We think you may be teething despite the fact that we have yet to see any chompers pop through.  You're hungry 24/7 and growing like crazy.  You're wearing 12 month clothing and size 3 diapers.  I took you to help me vote for president in 2020.  We'll be anxiously watching next week to see if our votes were winners.  

You had two colds this month thanks to germs from the big kids I assume.  You rallied pretty quickly and still smiled most of the time.  We trick or treated the golf course.  You were the cutest little pumpkin.  



I can't believe we are already half way to your first birthday!!  We love you, Leo!

1 comment:

  1. Whitney, he is just the cutest!!! Loved reading these updates :-)


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