Sunday, September 2, 2012


I love to teach writing
and am always looking for new ideas.

I read a cute poem and thought my students could do well with it.
The poem had a simple format.
More ___________________ (and I added Less _______)

They had to come up with about 10 things for each category.
We wrote them one day and peer edited them the next.
The kids loved this and it was really easy for 3rd graders to do.
I'd highly recommend this writing assignment to get the ball rolling on writing.

Here were some of my favorites.
More Mrs. Jordan - awww
 Less junk in the trunk - how do kids know about this stuff??
Less I lashes (read eye lashes :)

 Less chunk food
might be a better name for junk food since it does result in CHUNK :)

 Ahhhh let the UTAH/BYU rivalry begin for the year.

 Less Divas :)
I laughed out loud at the "Less tooting" line :)

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