Wednesday, October 2, 2024

You Can't Do It All

You can't do it all.

I'm trying to remind myself of this every single day.

Some days I feel like I am balancing it all well.  And other days everything seems to need more attention than I have.  I'm working 45+ hours a week at school and doing some work at home and there just aren't enough hours in the day.

The kids are doing more around the house and managing their school responsibilities.

Kevin is doing more around the house, ordering Door Dash dinners, managing appointments and running kids here and there in addition to being very busy at work trying to get his program and clinic up and running at full speed.

I'm asking for help more - with laundry and dishes and house stuff.

I'm grocery shopping on the weekends to keep week nights simple.

I am having to say NO to more.  

I'm not reading any books for fun.  I'm behind on blog stuff.  I'm not exercising beyond my nonstop days in kindergarten and I'm not filling my calendar with tons of fun plans.  I'm not seeing friends as much as I'd like, not making phone calls that I wish I had time to make, not baking cookies or fun desserts as much as I'd like and I am planting zero fall plants because I don't have the energy to keep up with watering them.

I'm doing my best.

That means I'm going to be earlier than ever.  Waking up earlier than ever.  And keeping up with a million to do lists for everyone in the family.  I have 4 calendars to try to keep track of all the things and am regularly saying no to things.

And some nights I just have to laugh and point out all the good things I am doing.  Like in the picture above.  The kitchen looked like a bomb went off, but Kevin was at a work event and I was in charge of everything for the evening.  We did homework, played outside, baked a bundt cake for dessert, made a delicious dinner, got everyone ready for bed, packed 4 lunches and did some laundry.  The kitchen was a disaster, but everything else was a mom win.

This is what I'm calling balance right now.  Lots of wins and having to let some things go.  Most nights I go to bed with a clean kitchen and a clean house, but some days it's too much to do it all.


  1. So well said! As long as your family is healthy with a roof over your head the other parts of life are just the “small stuff”.

  2. Ahh! I always have to remind myself of this too. Things have got easier now that my girls are older but I still feel like there's so much to do and so little time.
    So what that the kitchen looked a mess. Everyone had fun and was fed. Take that win. You can't do it all. :)

  3. You are doing such a good job. It must be A LOT to manage. Hopefully a fall break or thanksgiving break will give you time to regroup!

  4. You have been on my mind! You are so smart to prioritize the things that matter most, and let the other stuff fall to the wayside!

  5. Like you, I found in my busy days how important it was to remind myself of all that I did do! I'd even add them to my to-do list at the end of the day and check them off. It was good therapy!

  6. I literally just said this today! It's such a lie that women can/should "do it all"! The reality is we are always saying yes to one thing which means a no to something else...and each season our 'yeses' might be for different things. Our details are different but I share your thoughts and struggles! We have our four kids 8 and under and homeschool....there are so many things I'm NOT doing (including having a spotless house!) but I remind myself what I'm choosing and saying yes to in this season is worth that and it's ok!


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