Monday, October 21, 2024

Fall Break Faves

We're back to reality of work and school today after a week long fall break.  

The break came at the perfect time.  We all needed some days to rest, recover and enjoy a trip to Wisconsin.  I'm so thankful to be on pretty much the same schedule as my kids so we can all be off together.  It made me so happy to not have to set alarms, get to do what we wanted during the days and enjoy all the extra time together.

I was so excited to:

1. See beautiful fall leaves in Wisconsin.

2. Organize/declutter/clean out our garage.

3. Drop off consignment items to my favorite store that only accepts items during school hours.  It was great to be home during the day to take care of stuff like this.

4. Switch all the kid's closets to Fall/Winter.  Now I need to do mine.

5. Ordered new winter coats for all the kids.

6. Haircuts for several of us and a claw trim for Mr. Mittens.

7. We were home on harvest day for the farm behind our house.  The boys were so excited.

8. We made some fun plans with friends and family.

9. My house got dusted and decorated for Halloween.  The kids love to help decorate.  We dusted together and decorated together.

10. All of my house plants had a spa day where I watered, pruned and gave them some extra love.

11. I prepped a Fall gift for the kid's teachers.  I'll do a blog post about it later this week.  I try to send in something small once a month for the teachers with a note of appreciation.

12. I took care a ton of the to dos I had been putting off like getting an oil change, cleaning out freezers, reorganizing pantries, and taking care of school things for the kids - spirit wear, projects and calendar things.

13. Halloween costumes are finalized, everything has arrived and has been tried on.  We are ready for trick-or-treating.  I even bought our candy and hid it so it lasts until the 31st.

14.Returns are all caught up on, bathrooms are all cleaned and laundry is done.  Whew it feels good to be all caught up at home.

Bring on all the Fall festivities from now through Thanksgiving!


  1. How in the world did you do all this PLUS a trip to Wisconsin in just one week? You are amazing!!

  2. Wow you got a lot done!


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