Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Day in the Life: PreK 2018

I try to do a day in the life post once a year and it's mostly just for my own memories.  I like to look back and see what our schedules were like when my kids were younger.  Right now they're almost 2 and 4.5.  Olive goes to PreK and we do lots of stuff in the community to fill our days - library, museum, playgroups, parks, etc.

This Day in the Life is a typical weekday for us when Olive goes to school.  I didn't snap all of these pictures in one day.  They're my favorites from our typical routine.

PreK Day in the Life 2018

7:30am My alarm goes off.  I get up and start getting ready for the day.  I do the basics - contacts, dry shampoo, mascara, face primer and then move on to the kids.

7:45am The kids are waking up.  They usually are sound asleep on school mornings and then wide awake on weekends or mornings we don't have to go anywhere.  Go figure.  Get them dressed, start getting them ready and then get their breakfast.

8:00am Granola, Cheerios, Blueberry Chex or Cinnamon bread and milk is their favorite combo.  They usually watch Daniel Tiger or Curious George while they wake up.  I go back to getting ready.

8:30am I'm done getting ready so it's on to doing hair, brushing teeth and getting the kids ready to walk out the door.  Kevin's usually doing the same and it's great when he's home to help us.

8:45am Leave for PreK drop off.  Get in line and wait to drop Olive off.  We listen to our favorite music, do a kid devotional, say a morning prayer together and talk about all the things we have to look forward to about our days.  I used to get annoyed with waiting in car lines for school, but now I try to make the most of those last minutes together every morning.

9:00am Fletcher and I are off to run errands or go to appointments.  We head to the grocery, to do returns or anything that is easier with one kid than two.  I make my to do list the night before so we have a list of things to work through.  Some days it's errands and some school days it's appointments.  I try to run several errands on errand days so that some days we can go straight home to get work done there.

10:00/10:30am Get back home and put away groceries or organize things from the errands we run.  We enjoy the morning just the two of us.  He definitely misses his sister, but makes sure to play with all of her off limits toys while she's away at school :)

11:45am Head back to Olive's school to pick her up.

12:15pm Lunch time.  I make the kid's lunches 99% of the time.  We eat out with friends occasionally, but it's not the norm.  Some days I take the kid's orders for lunch and other days I just call them in when lunch is ready.  We all eat together.  We say Olive's prayer from school, eat, talk about our days and the plan for the rest of the day.  I'm feeling sentimental about lunches together because Olive is off to kindergarten this Fall and won't be eating lunch with us during the week anymore.  So I try to make lunches extra fun and sweet while we're together.

Their current favorite toys: Olive loves Hatchimals & Fletcher loves carrying cars around with him.

12:45pm Clean up.  I do dishes from breakfast and lunch together and clean up the kitchen.  The kids play together and we tidy up the toys before Fletcher's nap.

1:30-3:30pm Fletcher's nap time.  I lay him down for a nap and Olive gets to pick what she does - watch a movie, play doh, craft project, play with her dolls, etc.  I work hard to get tons done while the tiny tornado is asleep.  Any messy projects, reading for pleasure, computer projects, organizing, bill paying, etc.  Then Olive and I do something together - paint nails, read books, snuggle and watch a show, craft, garden, etc.  I also make phone calls and do other business things during this time.

3:30pm Smoothie time!  Both kids are obsessed with smoothies so it's a great afternoon snack.

4:00pm Activities.  I schedule a variety of things at this time - swimming lessons, dance class, exercise, etc.  If we don't have somewhere to be, we will head out for some exercise and play outside.  My go to exercise routine is still an hour long walk/run pushing the kids in a stroller.  They're getting bigger and the stroller is getting heavier so the workout kicks my butt.

5:30pm Start dinner prep.  We pick out the dinner menu together in the morning from our list of menu options so we all know what to expect when dinner time rolls around.  I chop veggies, prep food and get things cooking.  The kids play together - cars, trains, play in the backyard, color or watch a show.

6:30pm Dinner time.  We eat together as a family almost every night.  We talk about our highs and lows of the day and catch each other up on what happened all day long.

7:00pm I clean up the mess from dinner and clean up the kitchen.  Load dishwasher and hand wash.  Kevin is on kid duty.  The usually are loud, rough and tough and are making a lot of racket.  Think sword fights, wresting, jumping on the beds, etc.  He's the fun one.

7:15pm Winding down for the night.  Bath time.  PJs on, snack, watch something together on netflix, puzzles, play a game and do book club with library or holiday books.   We all clean up the house together before bed.  All the toys get put away and the house is perfectly tidy when they head off to bed.  I call it teamwork time and it's our routine to do this part together.

8:15pm Everyone to bed.  We divide and conquer with bedtimes and everyone is asleep pretty quickly.  Neither fight sleep right now which is amazing.

9:00pm Freedom!  haha Kevin and I will watch a show together, talk about our days, I'll tell him funny or frustrating stories about our day and we'll have dessert together.  Showers, laundry and such happen during this time.  It's so nice to have the house picked up so we can just relax.

10:30pm Kevin heads to bed and I get busy.  I try to tackle the rest of the things on my to do list that didn't get done earlier in the day and watch something on the DVR.  I make lunches, make to do lists for the following day, lay out clothes/jackets/shoes to make our morning go smoothly.  I also lay out everything for breakfast so it's ready to grab in the morning.  The cats love this time and both fight for my attention since all the people in our house are in bed.  I blog, reply to emails, work on projects, etc.

12:30/1:00am I head to bed around this time.  Wash my face.  Check on everyone again.  Goodnight!

Day in the Life 2017 Summer with a 1 and 4 year old

Day in the Life 2016 Spring with one kid

Do our daily routines look similar or very different??
I'm always curious how people schedule their days :)

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  1. I LOVE Day in the Life post! But how on earth do you stay up till 12:30 or 1:00?? I'm usually in bed by 10-10:30! HA

  2. I so wish I were able to stay up as late as you! I am in bed by 9:00 most nights! I love these day in the life posts =)

  3. You are a night owl! That is so cool how you get all those tasks done after everyone is in bed! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. You know I have no idea HOW you stay up so late?!?! Crazy person. Sleeeeep. Then again, I'd be checking the pulses of my kids (and someone should check mine) if our day started at 7:30. haha Our little people sound so, so similar. Fletch and his cars- these boys are too darn cute. You have some great routines in place. I need to enforce the "everyone pick up around here" rule a little better at bedtime, but mine DO fight bedtime (L does anyways) so that's usually the overarching battle that I'm fighting so I clean up solo after I'm done with that one.

  5. Love this post! You are SO productive during the time I am usually asleep! HA! Love the routines, especially how you make the most of your time together with the kids!

  6. You are so productive and such a night owl compared to me 11pm is late for me ;). when do you fit in blogging?


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