Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday Talk: Momfessional Moments

I have a whole list of Momfessional Moments to share with you today.
A wide variety of embarrassing, silly, messy, and real life moments from our life.
Hopefully you can relate to a few...

Real life at 28 weeks pregnant with a 2.5 year old.

// 1 //
I rocked myself to sleep when I was intending to rock Olive to sleep the other night.  I woke up to her poking me in the eye saying NO SLEEPING MAMA!  Whoops.

// 2 //
We went to a play group of professor's kids last week and had a great time.  We met lots of new people and saw some familiar faces.  Several of the kids were playing with play dough at the kitchen table.  The moms were all talking and focusing more on our conversations than our kiddos.  Olive taps me on the arm and says, "Mama this cheese is delicious!"  I was confused and then quickly realized she'd cut herself a slice of play dough and eaten it like cheese.  She was rubbing her belly saying deeeeeee-licious.  First time to try play dough... I mean blue cheese.  Yikes.  Rest assured that I watched her closer after that.

// 3 //
I rarely wash my hair more than twice a week.  Thank heavens for dry shampoo and styling products.  May they never go out of style or be discontinued.  Also, I shower more than twice, but who has time to wash and style their hair every day??

// 4 //
I thought I'd be smart and take down all of our Christmas decorations during nap time the first week of January.  Olive woke up and started crying when she realized when I'd done.  She kept saying, "Where'd Christmas go mama???"  I assured her it was safely stored in the garage and she was sure that I was the Grinch who stole Christmas.

// 5 //
Sometimes when Olive asks to watch a cartoon I'll tell her we can't because the characters are taking a nap right now.  It sounds silly, but it totally works.

// 6 //
Olive has never worn a pair of jeans.  
They just don't seem very comfortable so leggings > jeans at our house.
Target and Old Navy have the best leggings.

// 7 //
Olive ran up to me shouting, "Mama, Mama, I hab someting for you."
Then she proceeds to hand me a booger and flashed me a giant smile.
She was so proud of herself and I wanted to barf.  Yuck!

// 8 //
This pregnant lady has been crying at the most random things lately.
American Idol - a surprise visit from a mom who was serving overseas
house hunting drama
Olive refusing to nap
Taking a sharp edge of a board book to the face when Olive decided story time was over
wounded warrior commercial
a cat story I read on-line

// 9 //
I haven't been the best cat mom lately.
I've found the food/water bowls empty several times lately.
No wonder they're meowing to get my attention first thing in the morning.

// 10 //
I've been trying to get ready earlier in the day on days that we aren't leaving the house.  Twice this past week my hubby or my daughter have said, "Where are we going today?" after I walked out dressed and ready for the day before 8:00.  Guess I need to work on being presentable earlier in the day so that it's not so shocking to them.

// 11 //
My husband has started spelling his insults during football games.  I reminded him that Olive is repeating almost everything she hears these days so this was his compromise.  He'll say, "That guy is such an i-d-i-o-t." or "What a s-t-u-p-i-d call!"  I think his strategy will work well for a few more years until she learns to s-p-e-l-l :)

// 12 //
We tried a new church last Sunday and they didn't have a nursery during the service we attended.  So we opted to bring Olive into the service with us and see how long she'd last.  I didn't bring any toys or snacks to entertain her because I thought she'd be in the nursery.  They offered kid bags full of crayons, coloring books and a beanie baby so we were optimistic.  We broke out the coloring books and activities once the singing was done.  Olive was talking too loudly when the sermon started so I quietly reminded her that she needed to whisper.  She SHOUTED, "I am WHISKERING Mama!!"  Guess we need to practice "whiskering" at home :)

Do you have any good Momfessional Moments to share with me today??

and my favorite ladies of Tuesday Talk
Polka-Dotty Place


  1. I'm with you on the hair washing. Twice a week tops for me. My hair actually looks better when I wash less. Fun post.

  2. I always cry during Idol audition episodes! Last week we had to change the channel because Paul and I both were a mess! :) I so wish I could get away without washing my hair every day...short hair + tons of product makes that just impossible. Enjoy it! :)

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  3. I love this! What fun way to share yourself with your audience!
    Oh and the crying at the online cat story - I LOL'd! I can totes relate - my daughter has 7 weeks to go with her second and she's a train wreck most of the time these days. I think your daughter must be around the same age as her son, Sawyer (whom I lovingly refer to as the Tiny Tornado - SHEESH!!!)

  4. I am totally a once a week hair washer. Also my daughter at age 4.5 has never worn jeans.

    I have a similar church confession too, we went to another church right in town because I missed the other service and this was a catholic service so very quiet unlike our other normal church my daughter at the time was maybe 2, usually she was pretty good this time they were finished singing and she yelled 'all done' I could feel my face turning every shade of red and the older gentleman behind me just laughed and as we were leaving said to us 'all done'

  5. I do the same thing with certain (annoying) toys....Kids, the talking play cell phone is taking a nap right now. haha My daughter says the same thing to me whenever I have my makeup done first thing in the morning. Oops! We always bribe our kids with "special treats" if they behave at Mass (we don't have a nursery at church either). When the weather is nice and it's right before nap time, we play a special "wear out the kids" Simon Says. Simon Says run all the way to farthest tree and back! Ok, do it again! And again! Whitney, I loved all of your Momfessional Moments! Several made me really laugh! Jessica, Sweet Little Ones

  6. A long time ago, I realized that life is too exciting to spend it all in the shower washing my hair. So, I wash my hair a couple times a week. Or once a week. Really, I don't wash it unless it looks gross or my husband asks "have you washed your hair recently?" thus helping me see that it looks super gross. Braids and headbands are great ways to disguise unwashed hair! :) Oh, and on #8-so about a month or so into pregnancy (I'm currrently 18 weeks with Baby #1, so not far along) I got it into my head that I wanted to watch Pixar's "Up," since I love that movie. Sob-fest to the extreme!

  7. Oh these made me grin. I can relate to so much. Whiskering! Hahaha! I am working on trying to wash my hair less, but I struggle. One of the dry shampoos I have just isn't working for me... Now that Henry is learning to read, spelling doesn't work! Ugh!


  8. I loved these-so funny! I wash my hair maybe three times a week. Honestly, my hair looks better a few days dirty. I love my dry shampoo. I tried Dove dry shampoo recently and I liked it-maybe better than Suave. I'll give it a few more goes before I fully decide. My sister has really oily hair so she has to wash it every morning-poor thing. I couldn't imagine.
    Wait until Fletcher gets here-you will have so many jeans.
    I lie to Jack all the time for his own good and my mental stability. Jack hates being cold. When he starts begging to go outside and I don't feel like it, I just tell him it is cold outside (even if it isn't).

  9. This is soo cute!! I love the tv characters taking a nap - I'll have to remember that one!! One of my oldest's earlier Christmas, he was heartbroken to see our tree on the curb. He asked if it was going back to it's mom and dad and I had to tell him yes. It totally broke my heart!! We were at a playdate yesterday and my child was running around with rocks in her mouth - I think playdough is a step up :)

  10. You and I both tell our girls that cartoons are napping! Hehehe I love it!! Thanks for hosting this fun linkup!!

  11. Love this list! So fun! I love the idea that the cartoons are napping...I might have to borrow that one!

  12. I love all of these!!! I'm totally bawling at the random things too. For all things. So weird! I don't normally get teary eyed, but man! I am right now! Elizabeth just started playing with playdough too and definitely caught her eating it. GAH! Love all these random confessions. Makes us all realize we have so much in common!! HAHA!

  13. I don't have a little one at home, but thanks to pregnancy the thought of washing, putting in product, blow drying and then styling my hair sounds exhausting! I was so thankful to go to the salon last night and have someone else do it for me! Gonna make this do last as looooong as I can :)

  14. Spelling words... so James spelled shit in front of Connor and wouldn't you know it, Connor spelled shit!! So there goes that option.

  15. I totally used to say the same thing to my kids when they were little about the cartoon characters napping. And the spelling thing totally works well for awhile, but my now 5 year old is too smart for it now-haha

  16. OH goodness I could go on and on, LOVED these. Olive is just the sweetest. Eating play dough, whiskering, booger sharing. I just love her. I miss the days that we could spell things :(. What a fun post!

  17. I'd be lost without dry shampoo and I'm not even a mama - yet!

  18. I feel ya on the hair washing. No shame in that game. And I love the whiskering! Haha.

  19. Love reading all these momfessional moments! I have also told my kids "sorry, Mickey Mouse is going to bed now also, no more show"

  20. I am trying a new hair routine to hopefully not wash my hair as much as usual. I used to do the cartoons are napping thing to Peyton all the time. Sometimes it worked, other times not so much.

  21. bahahaha loved some of these, particularly "whiskering" , too cute. We tell L her toys have gone night night when she tries to tell you she needs them at bedtime. May have to try out the spelling tactic, we're not good yet about watching our language and I'm sure that'll come back to bite us soon....

  22. I love these! I only wash my hair twice a week as well - seriously, who does have time to wash/dry/style every single day?! That is crazy. And I'm with Olive, I want to cry when all of the Christmas decor comes down, too! :)

  23. Ha love your confessions! Leggings all the ways for littles! Mine RARELY (possibly never) wear jeans!

  24. Haha I totally fell asleep in Olivia's bed the other night. She was saying "MAMA. WAKE! UP!" Olivia always tries to eat playdough when I'm not looking - why is it good to them? And I only wash my hair twice a week - no one has time for that. But I do have to shower everyday. That church story was hilarious - Olivia will put her finger to her mouth and say 'shhh' but then she'll talk in a normal voice haha.


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