Monday, April 21, 2014

Meeting THE Easter Bunny

We had every intention of taking Olive to meet THE Easter Bunny early last week.  Then life happened and she came down with a cold, then I came down with a cold, dinner plans ran late and so we kept postponing it.  The stars aligned and we ended up with some time on Friday night to head to the mall to meet Mr. Bunny.  We no longer felt like rookies since we'd been to see Santa at the mall and knew to do a little planning ahead.  I checked Mr. Bunny's dinner break time and we planned to show up at his spot right at the time he'd start seeing kids again.  It worked like a charm!  We were first in line and only had to wait a few minutes for the bunny to arrive.
Kevin guessed that Olive would cry and I predicted she'd be fine.  She was a little clingy while we were waiting in line and seemed a bit skeptical of the whole set up.  She loved Santa so we were excited to see her reaction.  Turns out she LOVED him.  She was petting his bunny fur and kept staring at him.  She held onto his hands tightly and was happy to smile at us and at the camera.  We got several cute shots right away, selected our favorite, they printed it and we paid far too much money for two 4x6 prints.  You can't put a price tag on our memories of her first Easter - right???

 Olive was also flashing her two baby bunny teeth all weekend.  I'm fairly certain that she's cutting her FOUR top teeth all at the same time so I am trying to soak in the last few two toothed days.  This would also explain her not sleeping great lately, running nose, and fever on top of her cold.


  1. Great pictures! I was hoping to take my son to meet the easter bunny (he is 6.5mo) but sadly we didnt make it

  2. I hope that you are all feeling better! Olive's pictures are so cute!! You are so good about documenting her "firsts"!!


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