Monday, August 22, 2011


Highlights of my first day back to school:
1. A new teacher at my school made
cute apple cupcakes for the faculty
 2. One of my students and her mom came in early this morning
with a "Back to School Basket" for me:
 This giant basket made me smile all day long!
 The parents at my school always make me so appreciated.
 Here's a peek inside
 snacks and treats
 Adorable basket & really nice office supplies
Notice the rolly brush... they have cats and know that I do too so that was a funny item in the basket.
30 really fun items that made my day!
3. My students booed when I told them 
it was time to go home.
4. Several of my former students 
came to see me during the day.
5. Some parents stopped me to say 
that they wished their 
child was in my class this year.
6. My new principal said she appreciated 
my positive attitude and smile.  
She went on to ask if I was interested 
in being an administrator 
one day because I'd be great at it! :)
Wow... I am lucky to teach at Cottonwood!

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