Monday, July 10, 2023

Happy Birthday Kevin!

Our favorite guy turned 42 this weekend!  He's smart, hard working, the best griller and we love that he's in charge of planning adventures for our family.  It's been fun to see him grow and thrive in his current job.  We are his biggest fans.

We had the best time celebrating his special day with his family at his parent's house and at home.  We're trying hard to squeeze in all of his favorite things this week.

Kevin's birthday is just a few days after the 4th so I tend to plan a red white and blue party for him most years.  I baked cookies and his mom made his favorite cake.  The kids were in charge of doing the candles.  Can you tell?

Kevin loves fireworks more than anyone else I know.  He's a super fan.

We're always thankful when family can come together to celebrate our birthdays.

Olive is now taller than Nana and was so excited to see a plate of molasses cookies arrive with Nana for the party.

Olive is getting so tall!!  I have to ask her to bend down to do her hair.  She would be thrilled to be taller than me one day.

Kevin got some really sharp plaid blazers for his birthday.

So much love :)

Happy Birthday, Kev!!  Wishing you your happiest year yet!

Storms rolled in cutting our fireworks display short and then we had a rainbow pop up when we went to leave.  You know I love those kind of signs.


  1. Happy Birthday to Kevin! It looks like a fun celebration.

  2. Happy birthday to Kevin! Cake looks delicious! Any chance you can pass on the recipe?


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