Friday, July 14, 2023

Full Sun Favorites

I have a different kind of favorite post for you today.  It's all about gardening.  Specifically, FULL SUN gardening.  Our yard is so sunny.  Barely any shade anywhere.  It's taken me a season or two to figure out what works for the hot sun, but I have a good list of full sun favorite to share with you today.  Our last yard was nearly full shade so it's been a good challenge for me to figure out a whole new yard.

These sun loving plants can tolerate hot hot sun as long as they are watered daily.

I hope you find a plant or two that might work for you in your yard.

1 // Verbena - red and purple

2 // Corkscrew greenery

3 // Kimberly Queen Ferns - I have 4 of them.  2 on my front porch.  2 on my back patio.  They just getting prettier and bigger the hotter the weather gets.  They love the summer sun and heat so much.  I'm amazed.  They are more expensive than Boston Ferns, but if you have sunny spots they make such a statement around your house.

4 //  Lantana - I have 4 different color variations and it looks so pretty in pots or planted in your landscaping.  It flowers from early summer through Fall.

5 // Sweet Potato Vine - this gorgeous neon vine is such a pretty filler in any pot.  I added it to several of my pots.  It is a yummy snack to squirrels so be sure to sprinkle it with chili powder regularly if you have friendly squirrels at your house.

6 // Light Pink Vinca - it's the sweetest flower and it comes in tons of colors.

7 // Sweet Alyssum - this is the prettiest flower.  It seems to get better as the summer goes on and it really fills in nicely in pots.

8 // Marigolds

9 // Petunias

10 // Bacopa - this is the cutest flower!  It vines down in pots and grows so nicely.  It's been flowering all summer long.  I'm so glad this pretty flower caught Olive's eye.  It's brand new to me this year.

11 // Asparagus fern - it's a little pokey so you wouldn't want to handle it, but it gives nice height and texture and color to your pots.

12 // Purslane - Olive grabbed this succulent and it has done so well.  It's gigantic.  It started out as a tiny plant and it loves growing and draping over the side of my pots.  The blooms just keep coming.

Do you have any full sun flower questions for me?  Or any flower/landscaping questions that I can help you with?  I've been working hard for the last 9 or so years to learn how to garden.  My MIL taught me lots and gardening has become one of my very favorite hobbies.

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. Such an interesting post! The only flower I'd heard of out of this list is petunia.

  2. Your plants look definitely have a green thumb! I have been making the adjustment from shade/partial shade to full sun. Half of our backyard does get some shade for about half the day, so I guess our new house is sun/partial shade. We can grow most of these plants here in Houston, and our bloom season in March through November. Sometimes even more depending on when we get an overnight freeze. Some of these that do well in full sun in your area kind of fry in our heat with full sun - like marigolds, petunias, and most ferns. I also like foxtail ferns. Gardening is such a fun hobby...great post topic!

  3. Zinnias are one of my favorite full sun ones because then we have sweet bouquets in the house all summer long!

  4. My garden gets all of the sun too, obviously the sun here in England isn't as strong as yours but this is interesting to read.
    What pretty flowers you have.


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