Monday, September 4, 2017

Olive + Fletcher

Happy Monday!  I hope you're having a great, long weekend.  We squeezed in a road trip, a baby shower, seeing family, projects around the house and everyone catching a little cold.  Wild times :)

It's been a long time since I've done a post updating some kid facts.

Since my blog is their baby book, here are some lists of things my kids are doing right now.  I keep a running list of funny moments and milestones on my phone because I would never remember to write them down if I didn't.  How do you keep track of your kid's milestones??

Olive: 4 years old

sticky webs = spider webs
oooooohh mans = almonds
mitnight = midnight
op-po-pus = octopus
water cannons = watering cans

Olive stays up late every night.  She loves to do art, anything musical and Paw Patrol rules her world.  She starts preK this week and tells everyone she is a tiny bit nervous.  She has big opinions on everything - her clothes, hair, shoes and routines.  She rolls her eyes when she's annoyed, loves to be in the water and asks to go to Florida several times a week.  Olive wants to match me as much as possible - same hair, same print, same outfit.  She's currently wearing 5T and some 6s.

#oholive moments:

Fletcher tumbled off the couch in a not so graceful way landing on his head.
She looked at him and said, "Whoa buddy!  That was like an outer space fall!"

Ok Mom.
Who's your favorite?
Me or Fletcher.  You have to pick one.

Does that disappoint you?
Will you ever stop loving me if I disappoint you?
Me: nope!

How do babies get out of your belly?
How do babies get in your belly?
Why do some moms have room for two babies?

Kevin is like heaven.  (rhyming is her new favorite hobby)

Where does your food go after you eat it?
I explain the process to her.
She cracks up laughing and can't quit talking about poop.

Kittens are cuter than our cats.
Let's just give ours away.

We got invited to a friends house to play and Olive was refusing to put on shoes.
She came back into the room and said, "Becky texted me and said I don't have to wear shoes at her house."

That sucks! = her reaction to losing a game of war

How many people will be at the pool today?
me: I bet there will be several people at the pool.
Mom, several is NOT a number.

Daddy is so hairy.  I think he must be a cat.

Let me give you a married kiss (on the lips... thanks Despicable Me...)

I really like the shoes you are wearing.  They are the color of poop.

I want one of those shiny rings in my nose!
after seeing the Starbucks barista with a nose ring.

me: You are a smart cookie!
Well since I am so smart already that means I do not need to go to school.  Okay?

My swimming teacher keeps dropping me under the water so I am ready to stop going.  That is not my fave.

I'm not a fan of that.

me: God picks a special person for you to fall in love with and marry.
Oh okay.  Wilson is my person.

What does God look like?
Where is heaven?
If you believe in God, do you go to heaven?
I believe in him.

Mom, I have so much imagination in my mind!!  I just couldn't sleep.  I took out all of my sock and decorated my whole room.  Aren't you so proud of my artwork??  (She covered her entire room in socks and was SO PROUD of her decorating.  I thought she'd been asleep for an hour.

Fletcher: 17 months 

Sleeps a solid 12-13 hours a night
Takes one 1.5-3 hour nap every afternoon

Loves his bottle and his nigh-nights.

nana = banana
Down Mama
tank you = thank you
wower = flower

I say I love you and he smacks his lips with a big kiss in return.

Screams when he wants more, sways to music, loves to be chased and climbs everything.  He is a master climber and is super fast.  He knocks things over to get what he wants and he's really strong.  Kevin calls him a chick magnet because every time they are out together the ladies love to talk to him.  He wears a mohawk regularly and isn't too fussy about his clothes.  He doesn't like wearing shoes and loves playing outside.

He walks off the edge of the pool, feels sad when other kids are sad and is really dramatic when he gets an injury.  He points to it and wants some sympathy for days until it heals.  Fletcher tops all the charts in height and weight.  He's currently wearing 2T and size 5 diapers.

He loves to eat and thinks everyone should share with him.  He wakes up with a smile on his face and starts his day ready to tackle someone with hugs.  He loves to help unload the dishwasher, help me sweep or dig in the garden.  He's still a mama's boy who picks his mama over almost everyone else.

He loves toys with wheels and stacking toys.  He adores his sister and wants to be in the middle of whatever she is doing.  He regularly wakes up and wants to go straight to her.  Fletcher is a tiny tornado that loves to dump toys and make messes.  He has just started LOVING board books.  He's got favorites - Little Blue Truck, Snowy Day, Steam Train Dream Train, etc that we read over and over again.

We're so lucky to be their parents!

We recently started reading the 5 Minute Bible: 100 Stories & 100 Songs by Stephen Elkins.
It's been a great devotional for us to do together.  I wanted to do a devotional together as we're starting some new back to school routines and this one is perfect.  I love the set up of each page - Bible story, verse and passage, picture, big idea and song.  The book is written just for kids and has been the perfect devotional for us to do together.  The devotionals starts with Genesis and ends with Revelation.  I am not very musical so I appreciate the songs paired with the stories and my kids have a lot of fun learning the stories together.  We will definitely keep doing this devotional.  I love that it gives the Bible passage that each story comes from so that older kids or parents could easily open up their Bible and keep reading.  This book is a great devotional for little ones.  I think it could be great to keep in the car to do while you're waiting, to do over breakfast or to do at bedtime.  The size of the book is great - it's larger than most devotionals.  I love that it's a hardback book and that the pictures are easy for many kids to see.  We love this book!
*I was gifted this book in exchange for an honest review of it.

Happy Monday!!


  1. Love love love your sweet kiddos! You must be giggling at Ilive all day long! I'll be praying for her this week!

  2. "Becky texted me..." that's my favorite Olive line from this post! She's smart as a whip and it sounds like she doesn't miss a thing you say! One of our nephews is dramatic about injuries, too. He was about Fletcher's age at Christmastime and he would re-enact his injuries for you, complete with crying, any time he had someone's attention. Too funny!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  3. I love that you have 2 kids that look so different from each other. I don't know why this is something I find fun but it is.

  4. Oh my gosh I just adore your kids.


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