Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November Goals

October flew by and I'm guessing the rest of the year will do the same.  The holidays have a way of speeding things up.  I'm hoping to take things s-l-o-w this month and ENJOY being THANKFUL and not try to rush the month away to get to Christmas.  My birthday is mid-month so that's always a highlight for me, we have fun travel plans and the weather is f.i.n.a.l.l.y. getting cooler in Mississippi.  Hallelujah!!  Let the fall festivities begin :)  

Recap of my October Goals:
October Goals:
1. Trim all the bushes in our front and back yard
2. Hang pictures in our master bedroom, bathroom & Olive's room
3. Eat a s'more {preferably from a fire pit in our backyard}.
4. Go to the pumpkin patch - get pumpkins, mums and take lots of pictures!
5. Read for fun - start reading Love Does and Gone with the Wind
6. Plan a few toddler activities with Olive at home - I've pinned lots of things on Pinterest so I just need to DO instead of PIN.
7. Invite a friend to have a play date/lunch date.
8. Reorganize my husband's closet
9. Try 2 new recipes for dinner
10. Get moving - go on walks, get out and about and explore our neighborhood
11. Use my DSLR camera more - I have it sitting out on my desk to remind myself to put down my cell phone and take some high quality pictures.
12. Find Olive some holiday jammies - Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas!

November Goals:
1. Put the finishing details on my family's Cousin Christmas gift exchange letters and mail them out this week.
2. Take down Halloween and decorate for Thanksgiving.  I do not decorate for Christmas BEFORE Thanksgiving.  Let's just enjoy one holiday at a time please :)
3. Keep my DSLR handy and snap a few, great pictures every day.
4. Make an apple pie and do a blog post about pie crust tips
5. Have a lunch date with my neighbor one Saturday
6. Continue my Christmas shopping - I start shopping months in advance so that I don't have to spend all of December shopping.  I just bought my wrapping paper this past weekend so I'm hoping to start wrapping as I buy the gifts.
7. Buy plastic holiday plates for Olive to use
8. Plan a play date with a friend
9. Spend my birthday money :)
10. Volunteer to bring treats to one of my mom's groups at church
11. Renew my Sams membership
12. I'd love to get a fire pit for our backyard, eat s'mores and get more pine straw for our landscaping.

It's going to be a GREAT month!!
What are your goals for the next few weeks??

Linking up with The Tiny Twig


  1. You accomplished quite a bit in October! I'm impressed!

  2. I am impressed that you are starting to wrap your Christmas presents in November.


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