Monday, March 3, 2025

Favorite Foods from Sams

Sams has been saving the day for us for meals.  Their produce is always the best I can find.  We make it to Sams almost every weekend to stock up on fruits and veggies + our meal essentials.

Let me tell you about our current favorites.

Going shopping with these two.  They love to try the samples and add things to my cart.

So sweet.
Except for when I let them drive the cart and they run into my heel at full speed.  I don't recommend that at all.  Otherwise they are getting better at driving a cart (I've wised up and walk behind them), being polite and talkative to the sample ladies, helping me scan everything on the app to check out and navigating a crowded store.  All good life skills.

We sampled these Sesame Ginger Chicken Dumplings and they are delicious.

I cook as directed.  Brown them a bit and add the ginger sauce.

I served them with some vegetable lo mein.

And edamame.  It was such a yummy dinner.  It was much cheaper than going out to eat.

These egg bites have been a life saver for me for easy lunches.  I brown them a bit and reheat them for lunch.  Or if I eat them at home I'll make some toast to go with them.  They have a couple of different flavors and they are all good.

The kids sampled these and loved them.  I can't handle the spice so I didn't buy them.

This is the best queso ever.  Trust me.

I'm loving these granola bars for breakfast and a snack during the day.  They are filling, chewy and so yummy.  Another sample that we loved.

This was two dinners for us.  We really enjoyed it.  The chicken was pretty good, but next time I think I'll get the vegetable fried rice and add my own chicken.  I added in a couple of scrambled eggs, more peas and green onions.

Mini tacos.  A staple Sams item.  They are a great appetizer and the perfect dinner item.

I hope you found a new item or two that your family would enjoy from Sams.